Seeking members to The Paradox

roberto94roberto94 Member Posts: 779 ★★
Alliance name; The paradox.
Alliance tag : Tpdox.
Rating: 650,030.
Map: map3 only.
War: war disable as it’s aq focus only.
Timezone: preferable Europe closer to Sweden.
Line ID: Father_of_death and if someone doesn’t work then write your line ID here and I will be in touch (I live in Sweden so have an thought of that )

This alliance is really new as of two days ago. We may not have lots of members but it need some love and time, lots of time, I retired from an big organization alliance named TXA. They were fun to play with but I didn’t had much time as I used to have so that’s why this alliance is only map3 AQ focus for them that seeks a place to chill and just move in aq and get it done in a matter of hours while communicate.

Be seeing you :)


  • roberto94roberto94 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    Still looking for members
  • roberto94roberto94 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    We’re currently two players and we just need 3 more players to make map3 100%. From there it’s just log in and move and then relax however you see fit but still log in for movement from time to time
  • roberto94roberto94 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    We are still looking :)
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