PSA: You don't have to do the eq

Lots of people are complaining about the difficulty of this eq (and of course tons of people are super awesome mega swipers and breeze right though it and are sure that everyone else knows). Simple solution: don't do it. I'm skipping this one after exploring all but one uc eq prior. There's nothing fun about this month. Challenging, sure. Fun, nope. I'm sure others disagree and consider it the easiest yet, but they're bonafide badasses and apparently I just need to "git gud." Well, no thanks.
I'm skipping. And I suggest anyone else that feels this way to do the same. Otherwise, uc eq is going to keep increasing in difficulty until it's another variant. I have no desire for that. If eq participation keeps dropping as difficulty keeps increasing, they'll have to take notice, or ostracize a large portion of their player base.
My opinion. I know. "Git Gud" "Easiest Yet" "Drop to Master" etc....etc.
I'm skipping. And I suggest anyone else that feels this way to do the same. Otherwise, uc eq is going to keep increasing in difficulty until it's another variant. I have no desire for that. If eq participation keeps dropping as difficulty keeps increasing, they'll have to take notice, or ostracize a large portion of their player base.
My opinion. I know. "Git Gud" "Easiest Yet" "Drop to Master" etc....etc.
Reminds me of the Hydra adaptoid who was super easy with Ronan but I had nothing higher than a 2* dupe so I bailed there too. It boggles me that some people defend this game so hard when it's RNG that you have to rely on half the time.
That's not how top tier or end game content works. When any game designs top tier difficulty content, the whole point is to design it so that only the top X% of players are comfortable doing it.
This is like saying the devs need to stop making beginner content because the vast majority of the playerbase finds it boring. That's the whole point, when you're making beginner content. Non-beginners should find it boring. What you find interesting 90% of the playerbase will either find boring or impossible, because there aren't a gigantic majority of players that happen to have exactly your skillset. Everyone in this game is in a small minority of players that just happens to have the exact same skill level. But the game isn't going to make eight thousand difficulty levels. It currently makes five, and everyone is supposed to work their way up through them. But most players will probably find themselves between them. That's just the way it is.
Frankly, I would rather players skip content that is too difficult for them, rather than spend a ton of money trying to push past content they are not ready for or bash their heads against it over and over until they become infuriated. Push as hard as reasonable, but no more. Accept your limitations in the short term, and try to increase them in the long term.
But yes: if it is too difficult for you, don't participate. That is what you should do, and it is what the game wants you to do.
I guess it was just the boss fights were just not that fun to me, due to the node combinations. I always think unavoidable damage is a cheap mechanic, and I didn't like the combination of nodes on Darkhawk when combined with his character abilities. Taskmaster definitely wasn't fun, either.
I just didn't find this one to be enjoyable. I didn't mind AEgon last month, either...I'm normally not one to complain about stuff like this. If I don't enjoy it, I usually just skip it.
I can kinda see where the OP is coming from, though...if this is the direction the game is going, I guess it's up to me to evaluate how I want to approach it. At some point, as the OP is getting at, when does "challenging" become "tedious"?
I think this month's EQ was pretty darn close to "tedious." Again, I know we don't have to do them, and I have skipped content before and will again.
But if anybody is listening or cares, I think it's good to have super-hard content for the guys who are elite at this game, and even really difficult content for maybe a tier below that.
But when monthly content feels even less enjoyable than chunks of Act that where we want this stuff to go?
I don't think so, but again, that's just my opinion
Pay no attention to anyone talking about content being too difficult, top whatever % or what developers like etc, they are just trying to feel better about themselves by putting you down.
Some of the content is easier when you have certain champs, but all of the content can be beaten with the majority of champs once you know what the computer AI is going to do. Ppl can beat UC content with 3* Champs and it ain’t because they’ve been doing push ups with their thumbs or taking PEDs Heck one dude is playing the game blind folded.
Some ppl on here can be really pretentious
your right, unavoidable damage is super cheap. darkhawk is more tedious than hard definitely, and with taskmaster i just reset dex. i have noticed that instead of kabam making the player take damage naturally through legitimately difficult and satisfying content, they feel obligated to make it unnecessarily hard, such as some nodes that garuntee damage to be taken. i think uceq is on the difficulty of the collector where if you have decent champs and a decent skill level then it is relatively easy, however, similar to the collector the eq has a few spots where you pretty much take unavoidable damage through complete bs mechanics. i pesonally dont mind the eq, if i run into a hard champ, i practice or re evaluate my team and strategy. i dont go complaining about how hard it is, instead i ask for help or look for work arounds, like i said, sometimes the fights are complete bs, but for the most part they are easy or at least medium difficulty for the average uncollected player.
I should've reset Dexterity for Taskmaster, but to me, that's cheap to be penalized for unlocking and using a Mastery -- to me, if you're good enough to Dex out, you shouldn't be penalized. It's a skill, you know? The penalty should be taking block damage -- that's why I had no issues with Aegon last month. You mess around and let him get to where he's busting you up with negating Block Proficiency, well, that's on you. Sometimes, you just gotta not get hit
I guess that's where I am. I agree with you in that you can always practice and get better, or problem-solve, through most of it. That's the truth.
But there's just something about this month that felt a little different, a little more cheap. I don't know. Just my feeling, you know? I understand if better players than me feel it was easier.
yeah i completely understand, and while i agree that you shouldnt have to reset dex or be penalized, i do actually enjoy how it required me to think a little more creatively. but i also agree that this months eq does seem a little wack.
Other than that, I have no issues with the new challenges. Conversely, I'm not on the "It was easy!" train. Too much scoffing at people as it is.
Stop whinging.
We have a month to get through it.
The price of being quick is being good.
Impatience is most certainly not a virtue.
Let’s take the Darkhawk boss in Master and Uncollected. Both have the Unblockable buff, but they should have removed it from Master. Keep it in Uncollected, as it is supposed to be for the higher tier players, but some of us are not there yet and expecting us to play Master like it is Uncollected is honestly disgusting.
So... you want masters to be made easier? It’s already very easy lol
And....let me guess. You are probably an Uncollected player and think that everyone should “git gud”.
Look around. Even Uncollected players are complaining about the buffs on the Darkhawk part.
Nah, need to make UC harder, like put an 'all or nothing' node for UC
Did you just crack open three fortune cookies?
Last month, after completing the uc eq, I decided to focus on Act 5 and was able to 100% it. I've completed this months uc eq, and now I'm going to either piddle in Arena, play alliance stuff, or just get some Christmas shopping done. May try to run LoL easy path. But I'm definitely not going to 100% this one. Not worth it.
And for those saying "it has to get harder each month," (looking at you Deoxyribonucleic acid), no, that's completely unfair for those that just became uncollected. Story should get harder with progression. Variant is progression content. Uncollected should always be about the same level of difficulty; that's how levels of difficulty work. I don't mind a challenge (or maybe I do) but the path uc eq is taking is one I'll probably be skipping.
Correct me if I am wrong, but arent Master and Uncollected SUPPOSED to be different levels? Surely if the only difference right now is just between 5 and 6 star champions with the same buffs they are only making uncollected slightly longer not actually more difficult.
Of course there is supposed to be a difference between the difficulties, thats why there is what 5 difficulties? It is expected that each level will become gradually tougher, I mean I can breeze through act 4 without thinking, yet right now I am currently only on act 5.2.4 and having a bit of trouble, that's what I am seeing is missing, an increase in the difficulties, and for the massive jump between heroic and masters, as I can't do UC just yet, there isn't that much of an increase in the rewards.
I want tougher content, I want to have to change stratagies to continue advancing, but when theres a constant lag issue and an unblockable champion who will KO a max ranked 4* champ in one combo something needs to be sorted.
I think the design for master was that because the lanes don’t have the nodes that uncollected does, players should be able to get to the final bosses with more health/more champs alive. So in theory, a player should be facing a boss with a more complete team compared to facing a similar boss in uncollected.
Got careless towards the end. But yeah, he’s not that hard. No idea what you guys are talking about. I don’t even use Quake most of the time.
Dr. Zola
By adding these mechanics to eq, they forced me to change my game play. I had to be able to dodge and intercept. This has now made me a better player overall, and especially for wars.
Adapt to the challenge, watch videos (tons out there) and up your game, I know I had to and it has made me a better player as a result.
This. As soon as the fight starts the screen freezes. Likely dead there. If you survive, everyttime he throws a special or changes modes the game lags and the screen freezes again.
It's bad enough dealing with him, but this extra layer of inanity is not making it feel fun and rewarding.
Fix the damn freezing Kabam. Sheesh.