Killmonger Specials Broken

Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
edited December 2018 in Bugs and Known Issues
Over the last couple of weeks Killmonger is not comboing into specials correctly. 90% of the time the opponent blocks the special and KM gets wrecked. Anyone else seeing this? It is making my 5/65 KM unusable.


  • sd__whitesd__white Member Posts: 182
    OMG!! I thought I was going crazy, mine isn't also — 5/50.

    I go in for the 5 hit combo, but for some reason it'll glitch at 4, and I'm already pressing the special button — the enemy recover and block, then I get wrecked!

    The only way I can get his S2 off is if I Parry the enemy an bust it out, but after a 5 hit combo, it never works cause they block me
  • KickNatherinaKickNatherina Member Posts: 157
    I am not experiencing this. Mine is 4* rank 5 unduped. Not sure if that makes a difference.
  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    I also have had this happen way to much with him. So much so I don’t take him into war anymore. At the same time though I’ve seen AI blocking tons of specials from everyone for a while. I am in another thread about this issue. Of course it doesn’t get fixed though as usual.
  • -sixate--sixate- Member Posts: 1,532 ★★★★★
    My R4 5* gets used a bit. Have never had this happen
  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    Trying launching the special of the 2nd or 3rd light. Off the medium can be a bit dodge because of the frame rate.
  • DoctorJDoctorJ Member Posts: 842 ★★★
    Thought it was just my timing, its just like cap marvel sp2. Cant chain his l2.

    Also had his indestructible charges not work a few times now.
  • Hulk_77Hulk_77 Member Posts: 782 ★★★
    You can chain it, but it is really really really tough to accomplish. The window he has to chain into a special 2 is roughly a quarter of the size it is on other champs. Definitely needs to be fixed.
  • AlexAvalonAlexAvalon Member Posts: 655 ★★★
    Sp.1 can be chained after 5 hit combo if u end with a lighr, special 2 works fine if u launch it after the 4th hit mlll sp. 2, doesn't really work after 5
  • IJsmutsIJsmuts Member Posts: 113
    Same here, 9/10 specials get blocked, no matter how fast i bash the buttons. R4 unduped KM here
  • SabrefencerSabrefencer Member Posts: 1,433 ★★★
    Different champs have different windows for if their special gets blocked or not. It's not unique to Killmonger.
  • Oswaldo72383Oswaldo72383 Member Posts: 252
    Oh I get it but it wasn’t always like this for KM and the timing on it is not only tiny but unpredictable
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