Gold 2 Alliance Looking for Active Members


Line app is a must.
15k minimum on completion 3day event.
Treasury weekly minimum: 130k gold, 35k bc, 12.5k loyaty (but the entire month of December is free)
AQ map 5x5
We are stuck at 28/29. Keep recruiting members who join and and then leave without participating in anything. PM me on here or on line if you're interested.
Line ID: asterisksceptor

Line app is a must.
15k minimum on completion 3day event.
Treasury weekly minimum: 130k gold, 35k bc, 12.5k loyaty (but the entire month of December is free)
AQ map 5x5
We are stuck at 28/29. Keep recruiting members who join and and then leave without participating in anything. PM me on here or on line if you're interested.
Line ID: asterisksceptor