The anniversary calendar isn't bad. Change my mind....

I think people are confusing the anniversary calendar with the holiday calendar. Last year's anniversary was the same except this one has 9k t2a frags, how is that not better then last years? It's not a ton but it's still 5 free glory store purchases worth of t2a that wasn't there last time and t4cc and energy refills are always nice. Kabaam is pretty predictable in certain scenarios and I would be willing to bet that there will be a full t2a on the last day of the upcoming holiday calendar so this anniversary calendar is fine by me. I'm just making this post bc I read in a few different posts people upset and worried about the t2a and to try to put some minds at ease. If I'm wrong then it'll be a sad day in the world of mcoc, I think Kabaam knows what people are expecting and will make the holiday calendar what it should be or at least was last time
What are we going to do with 5* Shards? They're the new PHC. No one cares about them now. We need 6* Shards. XD
I once met a man who complained because he had no shoes.....and then I met a man with no feet.
I bet you that man with no feet complained though