AW blue bar longer but points lost

why so ?
our AW blue bar is clearly longer than our opponent but the result came out "defeat".
our AW blue bar is clearly longer than our opponent but the result came out "defeat".
I am only level 52, playing 6 months, what do u expect?
The "blue bar only show the "explored" percentage which is why you got more exploration points. But again exploration points is just one part of total scores.
OK now i know, the next time i do AW, how do i know the overall points ?
** the blue bar has title WAR PROGRESS, got damn it!
The blue bar title is WAR PROGRESS, so i rely fully on the bar.
Lol well then you've been doing it wrong fully.
Scenario 2 both teams clear the BG but team 1 died more times and had to revive and heal up more times than team 2 in order to clear the bg so team 2 will have higher attack bonus and even with equal blue bars,team 2 will win
Hope these couple of generic examples gave u an bar gives u an idea as to how deep an opponent is going into your defense but there are multiple other factors that come into play for deciding war victory
Wow thanks for explaining.
Can we view the overall points progress during AW ? (i don't want to rely on the blue bar next time)
OK thanks, now i know.
The difference is not 40700 to 117040, they got the 50k bonus of winning.
So, 117 040 - 50 000 = 67 040
67 040(their score) - 40 700 (your score) = 26 340
26 340 - 20k for boss = 6 340 (for them)
I don't see all the numbers, but, never rely on the bar. Go spectate the 3 BGs, att/def.
The most important pts are bosses down. Explore, you can have an idea by checking how clear is the map.
The only hard to figure pts, are diversity, but, it's never a big difference unless all your ally, or them, have only NC/Medusa/Ultron/Domino, etc...
I hope it helped you.
no thanks