Which 5* to 4/5?

McFernieMcFernie Member Posts: 87
edited December 2018 in Strategy and Tips
About to upgrade a 5* to 4/5, my first one, I have other 5* champs but no higher than 3/5. I feel tempted to use CG because, given the right conditions, he’s unstoppable, a good boss-killer. However, unsuitable for longer fights, so I feel Iceman is going to be much more versatile and useful in most cases. Any feedback welcome, if you explain why better. Thanks!

Which 5* to 4/5? 23 votes

Corvus (unduped)
Dean9300450axelelf_1WerewrymJyotishkaDRTOTrill719The_Boss9FhfjghhggggjfhfjgBlackOracleWakanda4Ever278InfineightThanos_CarmrcyrcleEsket1t_420 14 votes
Iceman (duped)
Spity68SUBHMelkerlannero10or_StrongThatOneMasterGamerMrBanksPrasannaGrecianfoxkubricknolan 9 votes


  • WerewrymWerewrym Member Posts: 2,830 ★★★★★
    Corvus (unduped)
    Covus hands down... Iceman's big advantages are his immunities, which Corvus also has (except poison).
  • Thanos_CarThanos_Car Member Posts: 298
    Corvus (unduped)
    Iceman duped makes him a pretty good defender, but corvus outclasses iceman in offense. Of course depends on the rest of your team, but corvus is better.
  • GrecianfoxGrecianfox Member Posts: 114
    Iceman (duped)
    Corvus needs fights to be good and I would choose iceman because he is good on defense and offense
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    Iceman (duped)
    It really depends on where you are in the game. If you still have lots of story exploring to do, while Corvus is a great aide through many of the tough fights, Iceman's triple immunities will serve you very well. However, you really can't go wrong with either choice; it's a nice dilemma to have!
  • McFernieMcFernie Member Posts: 87
    Oh my...couldn’t me more 50/50, nice dilemma but a dilemma after all...thanks guys for valuable feedback
  • The_Boss9The_Boss9 Member Posts: 1,390 ★★★
    Corvus (unduped)
    Corvus any day. I cleared act 5.4 in 2 hours with my 4/55 corvus (not exploration), He's also arguably the best AW attacker in the game (same for AQ)
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