What champ should I rank up?

I am finally approaching the glorious time when I have enough t4class catalysts to rank up either a tech or a mutant champ. (Either a 4* to rank 5 ocr a 5 * to rank 3)
I can also wait a month or so and a skill might be possible.
So who shall I start with? (I assume about a month or two more I will have enough basic t4 catalysts to make the next rank up but then in another class than the first.
Except for the champions I am considering I often use a4 Captain America 4* rank 4 (40/40) Punisher 2099 4* rank 4(40/40) and Psylock 5* rank 2 35/35)
I can also wait a month or so and a skill might be possible.
So who shall I start with? (I assume about a month or two more I will have enough basic t4 catalysts to make the next rank up but then in another class than the first.
Except for the champions I am considering I often use a4 Captain America 4* rank 4 (40/40) Punisher 2099 4* rank 4(40/40) and Psylock 5* rank 2 35/35)
What champ should I rank up? 4 votes