Alliance war matchmaking

Alliances aren’t getting matched properly. The matchmaking is taking hours and hours these days. Please do take some quick action.
In case if kabam doesn’t know an information about matchmaking making.
I am just letting you know that the TOP 20 alliances are having special group chat where one starts the matchmaking one after the other so that they don’t get matched with each other. Also this way of matchmaking made them to get matched with poor small alliances or an easy match. They keep finding loopholes and kabam keep forgiving them as they are your main source of income. But this issue is leading to alliances getting out matches or you get no matched.
Please do find an immediate remedy.
In case if kabam doesn’t know an information about matchmaking making.
I am just letting you know that the TOP 20 alliances are having special group chat where one starts the matchmaking one after the other so that they don’t get matched with each other. Also this way of matchmaking made them to get matched with poor small alliances or an easy match. They keep finding loopholes and kabam keep forgiving them as they are your main source of income. But this issue is leading to alliances getting out matches or you get no matched.
Please do find an immediate remedy.
The top guy that I mentioned, was having war Elite title. (Season 1 war, he was a member of top 20 master alliance and hence the title)