Just finished Variant chapter 1

I really love variant. It's fun as hell even tho it's maddening at times. I wish the global boosts lasted longer so I could take more advantage of it.
But I finally went back and explored chapter one after I took a little break from it. Had perfect runs on the last two paths of 1.3. I was pretty stoked about that. But then I opened my rank up gem and.... MUTANT. HOORAY!
You see, this is the 2015 champ rank 3-4 gem. No, not that awesome one that 0.008% got. The fixed 2015 gem. Because I only deserve to use this gem on colossus, storm, Cyclops, etc. Using it on my r3 Rogue, bishop, or Sabretooth would be game breaking. I understand that now. It makes perfect sense.
I do kind of blame myself tho. I have an r5 killmonger that I absolutely love. He's amazing. And halfway thru my first run of chapter 1 (when it was first released), I heard about his L2 bug... I didn't quite understand it at first, but I saw so many people saying "hurry and do it all with killmonger. One L2 and it's a done deal, nodes don't even matter".
Being a long time player, I saw the trap. New, end game content that kabam was rly rly hyping up. Crazy rewards. And a bug that would allow it to be a cakewalk. Nope, I'm smarter than that. I've seen this episode before. Those players are screwed. They'll end up having rewards stripped and miss out. They'll be mad, but they all know what they're doing. But... km is my strongest skill champ, so I'll just stick to L1s. I rly need him on some of these fights, but I don't want to get caught up in the crapstorm that's coming. I'll do one run thru and move on to finish one clear of the whole thing. Then I'll pat myself on the back for being a good, smart boy and finish exploring after the bug is fixed.
Aren't I stupid? That's what I've learned from this. I'm an idiot. I thought that (going on past bug exploit reactions) I knew what would happen. But kabam didn't care in the end. The km L2 interaction with Variant was never even brought up. And the best part was the 0.008% that may have also used the km bug were able to rank up their Domino, Emma, Omega, etc. Or maybe they were lucky enough to pull a better class of gem. There are so many killer 2017 and 18 champs out there. I bet it was awesome being able to save all those rank up materials on someone that's actually worth ranking to R4.
According to the 4th anniversary video, there are 15 million players. That 0.008% equals out to around 1200 players that got to rank up any champ of the class their gem turned out to be. That's 40 full alliances of a new awesome R4 champ. Man... That's gotta be awesome for those guys and gals. 40 full alliances that MAY have used the km L2 bug to explore chapter 1 and then use that sweet gem without limitations outside of class. I guess it's just like kabam said... The numbers were so small, it didn't really make a difference. I'm sure the 41st, 42nd, 43rd ranked alliance agree. As do all the other alliances. I'm quite sure. They must. I know I do. I'm the idiot for not doing the thing the others were doing... The thing I just KNEW would blow up in their face... That's what I've learned. I'm an idiot.
But I finally went back and explored chapter one after I took a little break from it. Had perfect runs on the last two paths of 1.3. I was pretty stoked about that. But then I opened my rank up gem and.... MUTANT. HOORAY!
You see, this is the 2015 champ rank 3-4 gem. No, not that awesome one that 0.008% got. The fixed 2015 gem. Because I only deserve to use this gem on colossus, storm, Cyclops, etc. Using it on my r3 Rogue, bishop, or Sabretooth would be game breaking. I understand that now. It makes perfect sense.
I do kind of blame myself tho. I have an r5 killmonger that I absolutely love. He's amazing. And halfway thru my first run of chapter 1 (when it was first released), I heard about his L2 bug... I didn't quite understand it at first, but I saw so many people saying "hurry and do it all with killmonger. One L2 and it's a done deal, nodes don't even matter".
Being a long time player, I saw the trap. New, end game content that kabam was rly rly hyping up. Crazy rewards. And a bug that would allow it to be a cakewalk. Nope, I'm smarter than that. I've seen this episode before. Those players are screwed. They'll end up having rewards stripped and miss out. They'll be mad, but they all know what they're doing. But... km is my strongest skill champ, so I'll just stick to L1s. I rly need him on some of these fights, but I don't want to get caught up in the crapstorm that's coming. I'll do one run thru and move on to finish one clear of the whole thing. Then I'll pat myself on the back for being a good, smart boy and finish exploring after the bug is fixed.
Aren't I stupid? That's what I've learned from this. I'm an idiot. I thought that (going on past bug exploit reactions) I knew what would happen. But kabam didn't care in the end. The km L2 interaction with Variant was never even brought up. And the best part was the 0.008% that may have also used the km bug were able to rank up their Domino, Emma, Omega, etc. Or maybe they were lucky enough to pull a better class of gem. There are so many killer 2017 and 18 champs out there. I bet it was awesome being able to save all those rank up materials on someone that's actually worth ranking to R4.
According to the 4th anniversary video, there are 15 million players. That 0.008% equals out to around 1200 players that got to rank up any champ of the class their gem turned out to be. That's 40 full alliances of a new awesome R4 champ. Man... That's gotta be awesome for those guys and gals. 40 full alliances that MAY have used the km L2 bug to explore chapter 1 and then use that sweet gem without limitations outside of class. I guess it's just like kabam said... The numbers were so small, it didn't really make a difference. I'm sure the 41st, 42nd, 43rd ranked alliance agree. As do all the other alliances. I'm quite sure. They must. I know I do. I'm the idiot for not doing the thing the others were doing... The thing I just KNEW would blow up in their face... That's what I've learned. I'm an idiot.
It was.0.008% of players who are able to access the content. All players level 40 and above are able to access it. So, my numbers are a bit off, but much closer than what you're saying. And the point still stands.
Also, yeah I could hope a Wolvie gets released... But that's going to be a chance at Wolvie for x amount of cash or units. I wouldn't be in a spot where I had to just be hopeful I could successfully spend if I'd have just exploited a known bug. Kinda silly.
You''ll be happy you weren't rewarded for using exploits and account sharing after 5* War Machine gets added to the game