Can we please have a t4b daily quest improvement?

Ok, these rewards are not right. 1650 fragments a day?! And thats for doing it 3 times.... These rewards *have* to be changed. Ranking up champs is the biggest part of this game, but these rewards just really arent worth the time. Im pretty sure no one does these, unless youre like 1000 frags away from a rank up. Its completely useless.
And yes, i do realise they add up if you do them everyday, such and such. However, Im never going to use energy on getting 1650 t4b frags a day.
These really need to be improved, I know people say this a lon in improvement threads, but really as the game moves forward, things need to be changed. If these gave 5000 frags a day, i would for sure do them.
Glory from aq can get me (depending on your alliance) at least 72000 a week, while these give you 11550 a week. *6 times less the amount*.
i have a couple champs i need to rank with t4b to complete the content put into this game, and honestly, these rewards have to be changed. The t3b daily is great, but this one is just the opposite.
Honestly i dont think i will ever touch these quests unless they get at least double the amount of frags. So please, buff the t4b daily rewards.
1,000 + 650 = 3,000
Plus the Arena every week, and the Rewards from Quests, AQ, etc. These Proving Grounds can be done proactively, or when we need to top one up. One source isn't going to be significant, but all combined provide a steady flow. T4B have come leaps and bounds over the last while.
Honestly, those chests should have a chance (like with the other daily quests) to give like 9000/18000 frags or even a rare chance at a full t4b. That would be worth my energy.
Oh yeah forgot to say a quick FU to this newb for trying to make me out foolish with this snarky comment.... so yeah FU newb!
Exactly, it might not seem like much, but i couldn't tell u how many times i would have come up short on forming the last t4b i needed for a rank up had it not been for the daily so this is true, 1.5 from aq, .5 from daily, 1 from peak milestones and 2 from arena will be a fair bit of work but it's not too bad and you'll have what u need in a fairly short time
For me, these are the quests I still need to be doing:
5.1 exploration*
5.3 and 5.4 *
Rttl 4.5 and 4.6*
T3b daily quest
Sometimes t2/t3 class quest
Eq uc exploration*
*—requires A team
Right now, I’m not putting up any refills for 3000 t4b frags a day. I get it that it’s pretty good when it adds up, but i think now that the game is creating much more content, these daily quests will just continue to go down in value, thus needing a buff. Don’t you yourself think that the rewards are a little underwhelming for the energy and time you put into it? And it’s not like it would be a huge deal, even a buff to the chests from the the quests on their own (as I’ve mentioned) will be great. Honestly, if these quests gave basically a fully formed for exploring them every day for a week (5k a day, whether that’s chest rewards or initial completion rewards) would probably make me feel that it would be worth my time, but just slightly.
Oh hell yeah i agree they could use a buff. I've just needed a ton of t4b lately so was just showing I do to get my hands on 5 of them a week. Def not happy that 3 full paths only gives 3k shards but I've got a decent little system going, but yes i agree they could use a buff.