Do you think the Maze rewards are adequate for its difficulty?

Objectively and with no hate, I'm really interested to know. Because there is so many people questioning this I want to know if it's just a feeling or major opinion.
Do you think the Maze rewards are adequate for its difficulty? 232 votes
The content is totally doable, obviously... it's just not worth it unless you have a variety of r5s to keep consumable use down.
This is exactly me. I've completed Variant and explored ch1. The Maze will demand multiple units and resources thta I'm not willing to spend for 75% of a 5* and a t2a. The problem as I see it is this: the people that see a full t2a and are wowed by it don't have the roster to complete The Maze. Those that have the roster to complete The Maze aren't wowed by a t2a.
Exactly my situation. I have the roster and yes it would be nice to add a t2a and get closer to another 5/65 but not at the expense of my units. I’d honestly rather use them in the gifting event......
This is a joke for real. The random sig stones not generic, and only 20?????
Depends on your roster.........of presidents in your wallet.
Expensive? Nah. Those revives were going to expire eventually anyway.
Think of it this way. I spent 300 - 400 units to "buy" 1 T2A + 7.5k 5* Shards. If it were a deal and offered tomorrow, would you pick up that deal?
However, saying that, the rewards should have been improved. I can understand the challenge if someone's roster isn't up to par.
was it just completion or 100%?
I mean, even UC difficulty rewards are better than this, lol.
Tbh, if they made the rewards 0.5 x T5B, 2 T2A, 10k 5* Shards and 5k 6* Shards, people will be complaining about something else like how the quest is a money grab.
The relatively lacklustre rewards made the quest non-obligatory to most of the player-base since we are already getting a free T2A from the calendar. Imagine the rewards were what I mentioned above, would this quest become relatively "obligatory" to explore then?
Just my thoughts.