labyrinth of legends : Agent Venom

hi guys just wondering, ive seen on some videos i have watched that agent venoms incinerate shows a timer as it’s about to expire but in my fight a moment ago there was no timer ? can anyone explain why or have kebam created a bug on some content that has never been changed 😂
Edit: typo
Iceman works now he don’t get it anymore. And it don’t cost 10 to 15 revies. If u. Hav the skils to it and don’t painic when u get it one u.
It depends if you use a 4 star or a 5 star.
A 4 star with suicides will cost 10+ since enrage timer is faster.
A 5/65 icemn can solo him.
A rank 4/55 iceman might take 5 revives
SL can solo him, yeah right if you have legendary skills. Sometimes the AI will stay in one corner holding block after the incinerate timer is about to expire and the damage is too insane. I personally find that fight very challenging.
Of course Ghost can solo him. Any 5 star incinerate immune can solo him. Red hulk can smoke him even with class disadvantage.
Void, red hulk, iceman or mephisto will be easy.
Void will be useless against agent venom
You sir have no clue 😂
@jdyke23 I used SL for AV. Not as hard as I thought it would be after a revive or two. He's 5/65 so I have Rocket and Drax for infinite parries. Blade for Magik and 4* Void for X23
I used SL and power thru it. No as bad once you realize you cannot do 5 hit combos when the incinerate timer starts. You got to make sure you push him to SP 2 and evade the grenade then clip him with hits and specials. Also going to the fight full health and the mark of the lab will cause less damage on sp1
Yes Void is a swiss army knife for X-23. I had to use 4 Star AA since I did not have Void at the time