There should be compensation for Darkhawk

I completed one run of uncollected event quest.
And beasting darkhawk costs me 8 level one revives and 6 level 2.
I was only able to beat him because Corvus had 3 charges.
I can handle not being good enough to complete it.
I have a Moto g6 play and as soon as darkhawk appears the screen slows into choppiness.
Once the fight starts it literally drops to very low frame rate in various slow motion.
I had to bring Heimdall because dodging him is impossible.
So once he blows his load I could counter with medium.
Parry medium.
Dodge medium medium miss dead.
With 3 charges that's like 3850 damage a medium.
I felt like I had to push through because of the shards.
Listen @Kabammike,
I think you guys have been fantastic since mid summer.
I don't want a handout. But I think giving us who tried to beat darkhawk could really benefit from like a:
5x level 2 revive
3x level 3 revive
1x energy refill
I'm not asking for the rewards of the quest.
Thanks for the great content.
Look forward to 2019
And beasting darkhawk costs me 8 level one revives and 6 level 2.
I was only able to beat him because Corvus had 3 charges.
I can handle not being good enough to complete it.
I have a Moto g6 play and as soon as darkhawk appears the screen slows into choppiness.
Once the fight starts it literally drops to very low frame rate in various slow motion.
I had to bring Heimdall because dodging him is impossible.
So once he blows his load I could counter with medium.
Parry medium.
Dodge medium medium miss dead.
With 3 charges that's like 3850 damage a medium.
I felt like I had to push through because of the shards.
Listen @Kabammike,
I think you guys have been fantastic since mid summer.
I don't want a handout. But I think giving us who tried to beat darkhawk could really benefit from like a:
5x level 2 revive
3x level 3 revive
1x energy refill
I'm not asking for the rewards of the quest.
Thanks for the great content.
Look forward to 2019
You either believe 1 of 2 things.
1) they did not test this at all(Kabam has said time and time again they test everything)
2) they knew the issues, were backed up against the clock and released anyway.
I’m betting on 2. Although I truthful feel 1 is possible.
Just dial darkhawj down.
@Kabam Lyra
I am a summoner who has spemt over $500 on this amazing game.
I have come so far.
Finally became uncollected 2 weeks ago.
Finally started boss killing in war.
I love this game Lyra. My son and I both play.
But reaching dark hawk on UC with my team having full health is so satisfying.
Then losing every champ because of game lag while taking 25% of his health down is deflating.
I wasted so many resources Lyra. I believe that Kabam has some corporate integrity.
I hope to see some compensation for Kabam launching a game breaking champ.
Have a good weekend @Kabam Lyra
I wont tell what you already know. This is a nightmare... I refuse to spend 2 team revives plus health orbs on each path.
When i didnt use 1 single orb to clear 100% the other missions.
This is the issue at hand. This "bug" didn't affect every user; some said it never happened to them, some said it always happened, while others said it only happened some of the times. How do you compensate for that? Do you give compensation to everyone, even if they had no issue?
I really believe it's a mixture of both. With a new update every month, there can be very little time for testing. I'm sure they do SOME testing on some devices but there is no way to do good testing on every device.