Who should I rank 4/55 Star Lord or Centinel

AmbjonyAmbjony Member Posts: 214 ★★
I’m about to explore act 5.3 with Quake 4/55 awaken, Iceman 4/55 awaken, Hiperion 4/55 not awaken and a 6* Elektra. This tech champion would be my 5th

I just got tech awaken gem which i may use with Star Lord or Centinel and then rank up to 4/55. Which is the best option for completing act 5.4? I run suicides.

I think Star Lord is maybe more liked but i think that after act 5.4 and doing variant i may get a rank up gem that i could only use with Star Lord so I don’t know what to do.

Who should I rank 4/55 Star Lord or Centinel 13 votes

Star Lord
caligarelinquoSpiderCoolsMaldroit2AleorFhfjghhggggjfhfjgSidDDragonMbizzAlexAvalon 8 votes
borntohula10or_StrongKobster84The_red_EclipseThanos_Car 5 votes


  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    Sentinel has a lot more utility. You already have Hyperion for massive damage output, and that is really all that Star Lord is: massive damage. Sentinel gives you the potential for massive DoT, immunities, etc.
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,138 ★★★★★
    Star Lord
    I'm using my 6* sentinel while exploring act 5 atm, and his double immune is helpful, but sl has a great damage output with no 6* version of the champ. as you have iceman already, I'd go with sl. plus, you can do lol with him (would take forever with sentinel)
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