Best 5* Rank Up Option for Elder's Bane Title Completion
Looking to wrap up 5.4 full exploration (I've 100% 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 and beat all the other parts once). While at least to me it is becoming painfully obvious that I probably need a poison immune 5* Rank 4 to add to my roster for some of the nodes/characters out there , I thought I'd list my options that include some decent non-poison immune characters as well. My highest rated team is 5/65 Magik who does most of my heavy lifting, and 4/55 Luke Cage, Angela, Hawkeye, and (regrettably but my first duped 5* and early rank up) Cyclops Xavier New School. I have most of the 4* champs you'd want duped with high sigs as rank 5s (AA, DV, Void, Quake, Hype, Spark, Blade, Iceman, Vision, etc.) and some solid but un-awakened 5* champs sitting at rank 3. I'd kill for a rank down ticket for Cyclops to swap him out with a different mutant champ but apparently those aren't in the forecast anytime soon. I have 4 6* and they're pretty much all garbage (DP X-Force, King Groot, Loki, and NC). I like to think I'm a halfway decent player that can make it through the Epic content without too many issues (I don't care to give Variant or LoL a run at this time) but my goal here is to minimize the need for potions and revives and spending on units, which I try to avoid doing entirely. Thanks in advance!
Best 5* Rank Up Option for Elder's Bane Title Completion 27 votes
Medusa (un-awakened)
11 votes
Doctor Voodoo (un-awakened but have a Mystic AG)
5 votes
Gwenpool (un-awakened but have a Skill AG)
5 votes
Captain America (IW) (un-awakened)
4 votes
Ghost Rider (un-awakened but have a Mystic AG)
0 votes
Archangel (un-awakened)
1 vote
Iceman (un-awakened)
1 vote
Dormammu (un-awakened but have a Mystic AG)
0 votes
Captain Marvel (awakened)
0 votes