15.2m Rating | 5x5 AQ Alliance: looking for 4 recruits to achieve Gold1 AW

Join an alliance that performs well, has a track record for success, and rewards your efforts.
We complete AQ 5x5 with regularity and smooth precision. Many of us are banking class cats. You should be too!
We need focused players to shoot for Gold1 in AW. So please only reach out if you can handle full completion of wars regularly (tier 5-7).
We are currently full and well oiled. With the new season will be moving some folks out to a junior team and letting one vet take a season off. That opens up opportunity for driven players to come aboard with our full momentum already in place. We need players who can fully complete their AW lanes, ideally mini/boss killers. Players without two r4 5* need not apply.
Donations are the standard G: 125k, BC: 30k, L: 12.5k, only what you get back each week by winning with us.
For events, we ask for 15k completion, that's it. We score well on Item Use and SA with everyone doing what they can.
We use line. Contact me at line ID: Gestorter
We complete AQ 5x5 with regularity and smooth precision. Many of us are banking class cats. You should be too!
We need focused players to shoot for Gold1 in AW. So please only reach out if you can handle full completion of wars regularly (tier 5-7).
We are currently full and well oiled. With the new season will be moving some folks out to a junior team and letting one vet take a season off. That opens up opportunity for driven players to come aboard with our full momentum already in place. We need players who can fully complete their AW lanes, ideally mini/boss killers. Players without two r4 5* need not apply.
Donations are the standard G: 125k, BC: 30k, L: 12.5k, only what you get back each week by winning with us.
For events, we ask for 15k completion, that's it. We score well on Item Use and SA with everyone doing what they can.
We use line. Contact me at line ID: Gestorter