luke i just started an alliance we only have 11 members. if you cannot find what you need before season start you are welcome to merge 19 members into my alliance if you would like. we just started over after the old ally broke up so it will be a lot of war wins while we build war rating. Line ID is Meta4s
you can look us up. NVNDK is the tag.strong bunch the members we have left have been together for a while and our leader is who we followed around we want to stay under him. if you would like to message him in game when you look the alliance up maybe you two could work something out. it wouldn't be up to me at that point if you want to convince him we should all move over.
Hey mate we've got a team of 14 at the moment (probably not keeping them all either) and are open to merging. Majority of remaining members are over 400k, 1 over 600k. Let me know if you're still interested.