The mesmerize buff should be retired.

"Heh, I've got a great idea to make basketball better! Every five minutes, we flip a coin. If it comes up heads, your team automatically loses 10 points. Won't that make basketball more fun!"
It's not skill based. It's not challenging. It's just RNG you lose.
It's not skill based. It's not challenging. It's just RNG you lose.
I used sl since he ramps up damage easily.
It’s a terrible node if you don’t have a counter but there are quite a few out there. I’ve probably missed some as well
Well, I’ll you a little secret. It only stuns... if it Evades! So use just use a evade counter LMAO. C’mon dude... use your head.
Venom (Against Spider-Verse Hero’s)
Awakened Archangel
Awakened Void
Emma Frost
Proxima Midnight
Night Thrasher
Capt America IW
Corvus Glaive
All easily bypass Mesmerize. I myself did Epic this morning with Void & Venom. Easy AF. People need to stop whining about these easily bypassable nodes.