3 Simple Things I’d Love to See In MCOC In 2019.

The new year has recently started. And with that, I have a few requests I’d like to make. I’m not experienced in game developing, so I won’t get too ahead of myself… but I do feel these would be fairly easy to implement.
1. A Simple Stopwatch On Every Fight.
What I Mean: Exactly as said, just a simple stopwatch each & every fight you play, just like there is a timer in AQ/AW.
The Reasoning Behind It: The speed of the average fight is often a crucial determiner in the value of a champion. The speed helps determine the damage output a champion can dish out in certain amount of time, as well as determining how aggressively you are playing. This info can be crucial in many cases in MCOC, & would be great to see it readily available.
2. A Players Prestige.
What I Mean: For a players prestige to be seen somewhere in game, such as their Summoner Profile or the Alliance Tab.
The Reasoning Behind It: Prestige is an extremely crucial part of the alliance based meta, esspecally in higher tiers (say Gold 1 & above). It is a stat that I will say is 10x more important than Hero Rating & Alliance Rating combined. For information this crucial, players should not have to look to 3rd party sources such as chat apps or obscure websites. A stat like like this should be available on the fly, & NEVER require a 3rd party source. Unfortunately, it has for years, & would greatly like to see this changed.
3. A Champion Index.
What I Mean: An index in game that shows all current available champions, with all stats & abilities.
The Reasoning Behind It: Currently, in order to understand a champions abilities in game, we need to either own the champion, come across it questing, or know of a player who has it in they’re profile. This information tells us if we want the champion, how to use the champion & how to play against it. This valuable information should be easily accessible, & not require us to own the champion in order to see it.
And that is all! This post is entirely opinion based, so feel free to express yours below. I
do hope the folks at Kabam considers this… & wish them all happy & successful lives in 2019!
1. A Simple Stopwatch On Every Fight.
What I Mean: Exactly as said, just a simple stopwatch each & every fight you play, just like there is a timer in AQ/AW.
The Reasoning Behind It: The speed of the average fight is often a crucial determiner in the value of a champion. The speed helps determine the damage output a champion can dish out in certain amount of time, as well as determining how aggressively you are playing. This info can be crucial in many cases in MCOC, & would be great to see it readily available.
2. A Players Prestige.
What I Mean: For a players prestige to be seen somewhere in game, such as their Summoner Profile or the Alliance Tab.
The Reasoning Behind It: Prestige is an extremely crucial part of the alliance based meta, esspecally in higher tiers (say Gold 1 & above). It is a stat that I will say is 10x more important than Hero Rating & Alliance Rating combined. For information this crucial, players should not have to look to 3rd party sources such as chat apps or obscure websites. A stat like like this should be available on the fly, & NEVER require a 3rd party source. Unfortunately, it has for years, & would greatly like to see this changed.
3. A Champion Index.
What I Mean: An index in game that shows all current available champions, with all stats & abilities.
The Reasoning Behind It: Currently, in order to understand a champions abilities in game, we need to either own the champion, come across it questing, or know of a player who has it in they’re profile. This information tells us if we want the champion, how to use the champion & how to play against it. This valuable information should be easily accessible, & not require us to own the champion in order to see it.
And that is all! This post is entirely opinion based, so feel free to express yours below. I
do hope the folks at Kabam considers this… & wish them all happy & successful lives in 2019!
I’m also hoping they finally introduce tag filters soon.
Yes! That is exactly what I had in mind. Tag filters would be great too, to see who are robots, X-Men, Guardians...ect Very easily.
Thank You!
The stopwatch idea reminds me that a feature I wish MCOC would add which could take significant development time but would pay strong dividends in terms of allowing players to interact with the game in different ways is replay. In other words, give players the ability to replay a fight they just had, and record it if they want. We can't all stream or record everything, but all of us has that one fight that when it is over we wish we could rewatch it or share it.
I was actually going to post something exactly like that in this post, a fight history page that had, maybe... last 10 fights all recorded for replay. I would personally love that, as often I forget to record the fight I wish to share.
I had another idea for a “Training Grounds”, a piece of content that has no rewards, but allowed you to fight any Champion at any star Level.
I scraped both of these ideas from my post, simply because I wanted to keep my ideas/requests simple to implement, & not something super hard to create.
I can agree. I don't see why they shouldn't.
Interesting... Wouldn’t mind seeing something like that
The Quick Match Crystals are greatly outdated in my opinion
2-Being able to fight live with our friends
3-To be able to have more tier 3 basic catalyst and class
I agree. A title for 100% Labyrinth should be implemented. That’s a huge achievement... deserves a great title in my opinion
*Cough* Classic Ultron Profile Pic *Cough*
Aaaaaannnddd exploit the system. It just doesn’t work. If there was no AQ or AW, it would be great, but there is, so yeah...it would just take too much time setting up when other better content could be made.
We need tag filters plz
Lol true, didn’t think of that
Everyone has they’re opinion, but I 100% agree.
100% Agree. A way to see our prestige in-game is long overdue