Thoughts on New Heroes Thing&Diablo

Thing didnt impress me at all,another easy evade specials sort of hero (It is science class eventhough it got its powers out of space)
Mystic champs though,they always have a twist...Diablo has persistant charges wonder what they do:)
Mystic champs though,they always have a twist...Diablo has persistant charges wonder what they do:)
He's probably gonna have some rock shield mechanic
next month should be a hero from F4 and Annihilus or Mole Man or Puppet Master or Owl basically any villain that fit mystic class..
On one of the loading screens.
Annihilus would (should) be cool.
I suspect he's there because the game is desperate for Mystics at this point.
I think the Thing will be a really fun addition to the game. I like his art style.
Diablo looks interesting. I don't really know who he is or what he does but he looks pretty cool.
2019 is goingto be an amazing year for the contest. I cant wait
Also diablo looks like waluigi lol
Diablo - 1
Spider-Man - 0
its the powers of the flares
The Diablo I know looks like this...