Allow me to sell my 5* & 6* already. I just want to quit.

I’m done I don’t have time to go through the whole submit ticket fiesta. Allow me to delete my champs so I don’t have the urge to pick and play this **** anymore.
Games like this are designed to overcome self-control. The amount of psychological manipulation is truly staggering. You re right that it comes down the person, but you'll find many that can't just "uninstall and forget" after investing time, energy and more into it.
But by all means, take cheap shots at someone for... a reason?
That reason - whining about their own lack of self control and asking someone else to fix a problem that is entirely of their own making. It was written above just not in as many words.
LMFAO... This ain’t crack dude. It’s just a stupid game. If you can’t control yourself with a game... you have serious issues that go beyond just deleting Champions Lol