Event quests......

I saw seatin's video of his free to play account I guess he for the first 3 months went for the 6*shards in uncollected event quests and the last month he went for act 5 and opened the 6* crystals....I thought I could do this too as this is my first eq of uncollected and this was too hard for me.....I mean that red hulk screwed me and I too don't have champs like modok and caiw or void I have them but as 3* and caiw do not have high sig ability too..... sounds impossible for me so I wanted to know everyone......this is my Ernest request that please make some easier EQ 'fear for us midtier players to progress....if not please make anything that helps us to get our first 6*crystal and progress please look into this kabam and thnx for listening to me...
rank 5 sig 99 bw could do the job?
I don't think so you kinda need that dupe to keep his Fear of Void debuffs from going away
Yeah need max dispair for that to works to. Or like im say. U Can win as long u only hit him one hit blok and never use sp and keep he as he corner it let him stake so many reg. He wuld dies even a 3 Star mordok Can do it
Also, Seatin is a highly skilled player. His skills on his F2P account carry over from having the knowledge and skills that owning such a high-profile account would bring. The champions don't carry over, but the skills and knowledge do. That's critical.
Uncollected difficulty is here to stay, and once you grow your roster you'll be able to conquer it. Best of luck!
NEVER!!! It took me 17 months to get my first 6*. It must be that difficult to you too
Yeah thnx everyone but still the mid-tier players like me are now ought to open masteries like despair and all and then we can progress as far as I know I have explored masters but it does not help to much I understand that this was easier as the bosses had many counters like modok and caiw but still we are progressing and I have not got the counters still kabam should provide some other methods other than these UC EQs.......by doing only the first 2 chaps I'd probably get my first 6* in 10 months...... that's way too far still I'd request kabam to get some useful methods of getting 6* shards to us please 🙏
Since Rulk also has a defensive node, dancing with him like baiting a special works well, and also attacking into his block periodically to make sure you don't get cornered.
My 1st run, I made the mistake of attacking him to try to build SP1. I beat him in one shot, but was much closer.
My 2nd run, I just waited, and the heal reverse was the 5th presence to hit, by then he was at 100% life with something like 30 regen stacks, and he melted in about 5 seconds. Didn't even make it to the 6th and final debuff before FotV would trigger.
Still need to do run 3-6, but I expect they will be the same.
My Void is a r3 5*, but if you can do the dance, given that the petrified regen stacks do the work, you could do the same with a 3*. Just like I used a 3* Ronin a few months ago for the Hydra Adaptoid and RS.