You may as well R2 the Starlord and try to get an awakening Gem on him. If you can use him and rack the combos up, he'll benefit you more in the harder content when awakened.
You may as well R2 the Starlord and try to get an awakening Gem on him. If you can use him and rack the combos up, he'll benefit you more in the harder content when awakened.
Unduped: Guillo > Magik anyday. Duped, different story. Guillo is just so much better offense wise, you destroy anything. But it might be because I'm kinda attached to her, she was mu first ever maxed champ when I maxed her as a 2*.
Any tips on getting a 5* Awakening gem? Lol
And I would not recommend upgrading SL until you have him duped or have the AG in hand.
Are 5*s not useful in late game content? Act 4 is something I'm working on right now I'll post a pic of my top champs in sec.
Nothing too fancy, still growing my roster.