Just curious

What does it take to R5 a 5* champion? In the summoner leaderboard, the highest champ is a r4 5*. Is there some unobtainable resource required to do it? Maybe a screenshot could help.


  • ScottryanScottryan Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    The unoptainable resource is t5 basic cats. They have not been made available yet but hopefully will when the rest of act 5 is released
  • Uncle_Fatty_247Uncle_Fatty_247 Member Posts: 356 ★★
    Tier 5 basic catalysts have yet to be introduced.
  • WafflesalldayWafflesallday Member Posts: 189
    Takes tier 5 basic catalysts that don't exist yet. It's why no one has gone further than rank 4
  • FrankenHammerFrankenHammer Member Posts: 127
    Oh! That makes sense.
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