Can someone in leymans terms explain to me how to beat this Master Red Hulk?

I am stuck.. I have a 3* sig 95 Void, and a 4*r2 sig 60 modok.
I have not been able to reverse any healing with either of them. I don’t have the despair mastery enabled.. does that need to be enabled to reverse the healing?
I have been trying to just wait for the healing to skyrocket and then hit him with a MODOK L1, but I am getting killed through block damage through parrying. Dancing isn’t enough because even though he has a “Defensive” node, he is still very aggressive and dances me into a corner where I am trying to Dex and fight my way out. Any tips would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance
I have not been able to reverse any healing with either of them. I don’t have the despair mastery enabled.. does that need to be enabled to reverse the healing?
I have been trying to just wait for the healing to skyrocket and then hit him with a MODOK L1, but I am getting killed through block damage through parrying. Dancing isn’t enough because even though he has a “Defensive” node, he is still very aggressive and dances me into a corner where I am trying to Dex and fight my way out. Any tips would be much appreciated!
Thanks in advance
After you dodge rhulk's medium, he'll dash back and block, then go and 4 hit combo into his block, dash back and repeat, that should make sure you don't get backed into the wall.
If you're using void, don't hit him at all, as every hit increases his attack=increased block damage. When using modok you have no choice but to hit him a bit, to get to 1 bar of power for reverse heal
Edit: i haven't done master yet, don't know if it has counter tactics/spiked armor. If so ignore the last paragraph
Lack of units right now. Have around 350 units and need around 1000 to open despair up. I’m going to eventually, but I spent a lot of units during gifting and am trying to rebuild the stash
Same here
Or GP?
I've tried it with r1 in despair and 80 sig 4* r5 Cap IW and won't work for me. I'm not about to drop 1k units to get it to r3 neither unless I pull a 5* or 6* void sometime soon
Might make some sense on uncollected, but not on the lower levels ... *shrug*
Tried a 4/40 void, didnt last long enough. I really need to learn to play this guy properly.
I did it with a 5/50 duped hulk and a few 20% revives, I got lucky with stuns which makes a big dent in his health.