Laid back alliance looking for daily but casual players

ALLIANCE - SynergyDogs [4Dogs]
We are a good core group of nine players looking to expand our alliance.
We are all daily players, but are not elite and don't demand that our members are either.
All we ask is that you contribute daily.
We currently run map 2 in AQ due to our numbers, but are looking at moving to Map 3 as we grow.
We also win most of our AWs, and would like to improve our overall standing here too.
PM Grizzzly in game if interested, or just join up!
Here's to growing together!
We are a good core group of nine players looking to expand our alliance.
We are all daily players, but are not elite and don't demand that our members are either.
All we ask is that you contribute daily.
We currently run map 2 in AQ due to our numbers, but are looking at moving to Map 3 as we grow.
We also win most of our AWs, and would like to improve our overall standing here too.
PM Grizzzly in game if interested, or just join up!
Here's to growing together!