Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

15 mil Veteran Alliance, Map 3, Gold 2/3, No Donations - Looking for 2-4

Are you a veteran player that's looking for a competitive yet relaxed alliance with no donations or targets? Are you a reliable and strong player looking to grow your account? We might be the right group for you.

[Lufc5] Leeds utd is a 15 mil veteran alliance currently looking for 2-4 strong players. We run AQ Map 3 only, require no donations, and currently fluctuate around AW Gold 2 and 3. We require communication through Line App and that all members check in with AQ and AW first whenever logging into the game. 99% of our member removal is due to lack of communication, failing to join AQ or AW, joining late, and making little to no moves.

New members should be 350k or higher (if you have sold champs, then have a very strong team), be an adult who understands how to make appropriate moves in AQ and AW, use the Line App (we do not spam or harass folks through Line...we simply need it for normal team communication), and be a generally pleasant person.

Strong, reliable players who are tired of the higher tier grind and demands would be a great fit here. Come be a team-first member by competing in AQ and AW first, earn great rewards as an alliance, and continue to progress at your own pace.

If interested, contact us through the Line App: themaxxtron (in game: Maxxtron), thaitans1 (in game: Thaitans2), or Leedstop1 (in game: Leedstop123).


  • Options
    MaxxtronMaxxtron Posts: 29
    One spot has been filled. Have one opening left but potentially looking to fill 1-2 additional spots.
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    MaxxtronMaxxtron Posts: 29
    Two spots have been filled and we have one additional opening. Looking for another strong player to join our team.
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    MaxxtronMaxxtron Posts: 29
    Looking for 2 more. Come check us out
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    MaxxtronMaxxtron Posts: 29
    We are recruiting again for the next season of AW. 2 spots open now with 1 more opening soon. If you are looking for a new home - move away from the high donation, aggressive alliances or make a step up into a higher prestige alliance - then come check us out.
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    username7312username7312 Posts: 67
    Hey there. Are you still looking for two members? I and my friend are looking for a new alliance after the war season ends and after SA rewards arrive (next Thursday, 2/7/19).

    My Line name is "SomeAss". We can talk some more about our qualifications.
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    WB_woodmanWB_woodman Posts: 6
    Hit me up ign packman94
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