Is blade still worth it?

I have 9 five stars and one of them is killmonger and in a few days i will have 15000 five star shard should i go for blade or just stick with basics because in game mail the blade crystal won’t come back again
Is blade still worth it? 157 votes
you dont khnow anything about it
But yeah Blade’s a powerhouse nonetheless.
Appreciate insight from anyone that has an opinion on how much more necessary the 5* version would be.
When I've needed Blade for a specific piece of content, my 4* has been enough. Typically that's a boss in UC. I already have a 5/65 Domino and Medusa, so I'm set for high damage potential champs with some utility.
If I didn't have a high damage champ for r5, I would definitely be looking to Blade. As it stands, I will stick to featureds and try for that Aegon I really want. It wouldn't matter much for me even if I did want Blade because I opened 9 featureds recently so I won't have much when the crystal gets here.
Good luck whichever you choose!
I’ve also never been a gambler when it comes to feature. I am 2/3 in feature (próxima iron fist and omega).
I’d rather save for 10 basics than 6 features but that’s just me.
ÆGON wont be in it just like the champion they wont be in basic pool by the the blade crystal returns despite the champion is being added days after the crystal returns
depends on where you are at in game and what you want to accomplish. The 4* is great and can help clear a lot of content but he doesn't hold up well in Act 5 and definitely wont in act 6, too much block damage and not enough regen. He also doesnt hit hard enough to use in LOL, you need a minimum r4 5* with boosts to get the enrage timer lengthened. i have both maxed, the 4* i use in AQ the 5* in everything else. so to answer your question yes he is worth the chance (much higher % for that specific champ) then going for other features where the chance is spread out over 6 new champs (along with 18 old ones)
I would. Half of Blade's utility comes from his huge sustainability due to his healing, and that directly scales upward with his health. So a higher rank Blade can be more useful in that use case.
But here's the thing. You need Blade awakened to get that heal, and 5* champs aren't really significantly more powerful than 5/50 4* champs until you rank them up to at least 4/55. So it might be a long term project to have a 5* Blade that is more useful than your current 4* Blade, because you will need either a dup or an awakening gem, plus maybe some sig stones, plus T2A committed to rank 4.
Having a powerful 5* version is fantastic for act 5
If you run arena then you are probably better off with basics because the 5*s will help you build up more points. That being said if you aren't running arena quantity is not better than quality.
Killmonger is good against 5-6 characters.
Blade is bad against 5-6 characters.
Find the differences.