Officer Ability To Kick

There should be settings to determine the officer's ability to kick or not.
Currently, officers can kick everyone out from the alliance....this is a potential problem...
Currently, officers can kick everyone out from the alliance....this is a potential problem...
There are kids and nasty people that will do that....
Great idea!
Don't make people officers you can't trust.
If there are players who does not work on nodes but goes directly to boss to die faster n pretend that look am dead so no longer can contribute am not inactive just that am dead so don't kick me then that player should be kicked out immediately as there is no place for such leeches. Keeping him costs team as better players miss chances so officers are right to kick such selfish players out asap imho.I give two warnings if still not heeded out he goes. This verbal warning helps everyone in alliance know the justified kick being meted out.
Yeah this idea came to my attention after having given officer privilege to a player to early.
This player: [Name removed by moderator]
Came in and just kicked everyone. What a loser ha.
Yeah I hope they make improvements for such issues for instances they are needed.