5* Cable Sig 200 and Sig 91

The differences between 100 sigs is roughly 4% increase? This really needs an update.
CAIW at Sig 200 is 100%. Cable only gains a power gain because of the buff. It’s not guaranteeing a regen buff, what’s the problem with doing 90-99/100%?

CAIW at Sig 200 is 100%. Cable only gains a power gain because of the buff. It’s not guaranteeing a regen buff, what’s the problem with doing 90-99/100%?


This is what a sig 40 rank 2 Cable is as a 6*:
This is pathetic for a signature ability
Or 160 levels if it’s a 5 star champ
The thread is speaking of 5* stars, not 4s. Who has a max cable they can share as a 4* to compare against the 5’s atrocitious ratio?