Update Daily Quest Rewards

Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
After obtaining Uncollected status, T2CC and T3CC become a very hard resource to acquire. The solo events hardly provide enough frag crystals, but worse yet the 1/day a week for specific Class Daily Quest gives a meager amount of frags.

While the amount given is great for beginning Summoners, advanced Summoners need 3 or more to rank up 4* & 5* champs with no content to help farm them except the daily quests and solo events.

Maybe the amount of frags (or drop of a fully formed one) should increase with each title the Summoner unlocks? Uncollected summoners should be able to farm 2+ T2 or T3 CC from completing and exploring the daily map. Just my opinion.
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