AW Match ups

So this is going to be a bit of a ramble, you have been warned. So a season ago we were riding at gold 3 the air was clean and all was right with the world, then we were matched against a platinum alliance. No idea how it happened, we fought our hardest but lost, no biggy win some lose some. The next mach up was also a platinum, we were totally destroyed some of their attackers were higher then our lower members node/boosted placed defense, It was horrible. 4 or 5 guys jumped ship declared us cursed, we pushed on recruited some more guys and once again was matched with a gold 1. Before we lost some of our guys, it may have been a fair fight but we were trying to break in new recruits and lost again. More people left 5 or 6 this time, including 2 of our officers.

Things went downhill from there we had a core group of heavy hitters about 8 guys that toughed it out. The rest were filler our leader made a call to recruit a bunch of guys to get us back up to our 3 bgs. There were some disagreements and another officer bailed, while raw recruits flooded into our alliance. Bringing us to 3 bgs but we were not in peak fighting shape. We fought and lost, as things began to get messy a few of us with other accounts joined so we could at least clear nodes not having to rely on the newbies. So the newbies jumped paths and caused more havoc. Our leader realized something had to be done and started kicking and recruiting at a insane pace, it was doomed to be two little to late.

We are now silver 2, a withered shell of the alliance we once were. And in the last AW we were once again placed against a gold 2 alliance that bulldozed us. The last few heavy hitters that we once had, have left this morning there are only 6 of us left out of our once thriving alliance. We still have 28 members but most are unknowns who we are still trying to get a handle on. It may be we are in fact cursed I don't know, maybe someone offended the great and mighty RNG. The reason I am passing this story on is as a cautionary tale, do not risk your alliances integrity by welcoming anyone in and tying to keep up with what you once had, if you take a hit take a season and rebuild while you still have a known group of guys.

Last but not least this is a picture witch sums up our woes very well, stay classy and stay together.



  • Helicopter_dugdugdugHelicopter_dugdugdug Member Posts: 555 ★★★
    AW seasons sre brutal on all gold alliances . Good luck .
  • Candid_and_FrankCandid_and_Frank Member Posts: 35
    We’re G2 or G3 and just got matched up with an alliance with a war rating 700 points above ours. That’s not right.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    So this is going to be a bit of a ramble, you have been warned. So a season ago we were riding at gold 3 the air was clean and all was right with the world, then we were matched against a platinum alliance.

    I'm guessing you are, or were, somewhere around tier 11 maybe? What were those guys? Because "platinum alliance" doesn't mean anything to me, because there is no such thing mid-season. Are you saying they were tier 3? Or are you saying you ran up against a tier 11 that somehow ranked in platinum 3 in season six? If you actually got matched against two tier 3 alliances twice in a row that's crazy. If you matched against two tier 11 alliances that placed platinum 3 in season six then you likely got the bad luck to run into shells. Two of those in a row is also pretty bad luck.

    Just out of curiosity, when do you match? Is it relatively early in the match cycle, or later? Maybe something about when you're matching places you at higher risk for this kind of match up. Even if it is less convenient for your players, maybe changing when you match could help. The earlier the better I believe. The later you go, the more likely you'll be matching against the "left overs" who tend to be harder to match, and thus generate worse match ups.
  • Welderofortune2Welderofortune2 Member Posts: 139
    edited January 2019
    We usually match around 6 or 7ish, I am not that well versed in AW terminology, but according to our leader we placed against the first 2 that started the streak of bad luck were platinum based on their tier, but don't hold me to that. What times would you suggest @DNA3000 to get more optimal match ups? I am open to suggestion as we are being routinely matched against people that we have no business being matched with.

    P.S this was our first match up to kick off a new season, so I would assume they would be about the same as when season rewards were handed out.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,448 Guardian
    We usually match around 6 or 7ish, I am not that well versed in AW terminology, but according to our leader we placed against the first 2 that started the streak of bad luck were platinum based on their tier, but don't hold me to that. What times would you suggest @DNA3000 to get more optimal match ups? I am open to suggestion as we are being routinely matched against people that we have no business being matched with.

    P.S this was our first match up to kick off a new season, so I would assume they would be about the same as when season rewards were handed out.

    Everyone is in different timezones so I can't specify a time. Match making begins 11am Pacific time which is 9am my time. My alliance generally starts matching around 10-11ish my time, one to two hours after match making is opened. What I've heard over time is that people matching more than four or five hours after match making starts can sometimes start having odd match up problems, either long times to find a match, failing to find a match, or matching against alliances significantly higher or lower.

    As to the tier of your opponents you can check that for yourself by looking at your alliance war history. You should see all your opponents and their ratings going back to the beginning of the season. The war rating would give you an idea of what tier they were in at the time. The game matches based on war rating, not bracket (i.e. Gold, Platinum).
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