Todays Sig Stone Offer Feedback

Really disappointed in today’s offer. Not saying that it’s bad or good, but as a Blade-less summoner I was hoping for a 5* card offer or similar.
I know there are people out there that would like the sig stones, but for us unfortunate that don’t have Blade it would have been nice to give us a fighting chance even if we had to pay for it.
I know there are people out there that would like the sig stones, but for us unfortunate that don’t have Blade it would have been nice to give us a fighting chance even if we had to pay for it.
Dr. Zola
Not complaining. Hence the “feedback”. Figured it would have made more sense since they were coming out with the crystal.
This is exactly why I'm saving for the blade crystal.
Act 5 is completed but not explored.
4* Blade helped me to complete but a 5* would make it easier
Totally agreed.
Dr. Zola
Not sure.
Dr. Zola
Probably wants a 5* shards daily card to save for the Blade crystal
This. The Dhampir crystal rerun.
Was stated in another thread
20% AG
80% Sig stones
If you get that twenty each class is 16.66% per drop.
That means if you want a specific class you have a 3.4% chance to get that.
I mostly only get 5* stone offers but this time I ended up with plus 51 x skill stones which most likely will expire as I don’t have a skill dup’d.
And RNG teased me by stopping right in front of a mystic gem which I really, really wanted.
But hey, that’s RNG man.