New Alliance Wars Matchmaking System & Season 8 Details



  • AgentVAgentV Member Posts: 5
    seriously, it's about time.
    imo, best way to determine t5 is to lock in top6 allies with 6 matches left in the season and do a round robin, then again lock in #1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and duke it out for #1, #3 and #5.
  • Fabi1989Fabi1989 Member Posts: 112
    Can a top Alliance matched again a other top Alliance multiple times in one Season?

    This Change is for the Most top Alliances Really Bad
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    MRod77 wrote: »
    So those of us with jobs who started AW's when people got home from work so we can maximize our times, will now be relegated to having to start when Kabam tells us sometime during this 5hr window??? So now if a match is found for us right off the bat then we will have to coordinate while people are still at work or commuting home?? Not very efficient at all.

    Attack phase starts at the same time for everyone.
  • Ghostspider231Ghostspider231 Member Posts: 301 ★★★
    What's the cut off to have all members in your alliance to participate? Does it have to be before matchmaking or before enlistment?
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Cheers to Kabam for adapting the opt-in system.

    (Can we discuss about the war rating and multiplier system now?) :D
  • little_knownlittle_known Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2019
    So just to confirm it's still possible for a match to be made between a tier 3 and tier 4 alliance where both parties will receive a different multiplier for the same war?

    This is one of the biggest problems with matchmaking at the moment. Getting tier 4 points especially for a loss but having to pay the cost with units and items to compete on the expert map is unfair and can change the outcome of this season for an alliance.

    Both sides should always receive the same multiplier for the same war.

    @Kabam Miike please confirm and if this is the case would like to hear the justification for this not being changed please

    Please not this is mostly only an issue on the tier 3 and 4 boundary as they both have different difficulty maps with tier 3 being significantly harder than that linked to tier 4.

    Cc @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Wolf

    All other changes seem great - thank you all for putting hard work into this.
  • Fabi1989Fabi1989 Member Posts: 112
    If one alliance in Master bracket have no luck and get multiple Times NY and lose many wars because of one Alliance....
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    xNig wrote: »
    Bro, it’s 2 weeks off in total. One week of no wars + one week of off-season wars.

    I corrected my comment, you're late lol

    Shucks :(
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,269
    What's the cut off to have all members in your alliance to participate? Does it have to be before matchmaking or before enlistment?

    It will be before matchmaking. You can find a new recruit during Enlistment.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Fabi1989 wrote: »
    If one alliance in Master bracket have no luck and get multiple Times NY and lose many wars because of one Alliance....

    When you lose to them, your rating drops and it’s highly unlikely you’ll get them again in the next matchup given the unified matchmaking. The only way you have a chance of matching them again is you win your next war and they lose their next.

    Thing is, if you’re fighting for the top spot, and if it’s a sole contention between you and them, you’re bound to meet them multiple times.

    Wait. You’re afraid?
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,672 ★★★★★
    Love the change. I do wish war could start a little later though.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    INTEGRAL wrote: »
    xNig wrote: »
    Fabi1989 wrote: »
    Can a top Alliance matched again a other top Alliance multiple times in one Season?

    This Change is for the Most top Alliances Really Bad

    How is this bad?

    Because when real top alliances face only each other other loser Wood 2 alliances will have easy wars and they will get the same points. Is this fair?

    In football, Barcelona doesn't always face Real Madrid, Bayern, Juventus, Chelsea, Psg..

    See my post above.

    That’s the beauty of unified matchmaking.
  • Willie_ArwontieWillie_Arwontie Member Posts: 17
    Love all the complaints by people saying timing is going to be an issue now.

    Why was this complaint not made about aq over the years? Aq works but war wont even though it has far less energy requirements?

    Also, how many of you complaining about coordination are in top alliances?
    Scared of a fair fight?
  • Denta89Denta89 Member Posts: 74
    @Kabam Miike is it possible to match the same Alliance multiple times in a Season? Or in a week?
  • czantraczantra Member Posts: 9
    Currently the alliance gets its participants locked once the matchmaking process has begun (unless it is cancelled before it finished). How does the new system work with personnel changes?
    Do they get locked in when leadership chooses to enlist, so would they need to un-enlist then reenlist or does it only lock in once matchmaking happens?

    You can aim to make adjustments around the week at a time system, but that's not always going to be practicable. Under the current system, matchmaking could be delayed until switches had been made, but matchmaking will now automagically happen after the end of attack phase (if the alliance has enlisted in time).

    If someone needs to move alliance, does it mean they would need to forgo war rewards in additional to the usual AQ day/weekly rewards and Summoner Advancement dance?

    And if it's all running on a fixed schedule per week, perhaps offer rewards per week like AQ?
    Or otherwise clarify when Season 8 ends, as you've only implied it starts 20 February (after pre-season).
  • DraenathDraenath Member Posts: 237
    Absolutely love the change @Kabam Miike

    For those complaining about timezone differences, it is about organising your battlegroups and paths. It will get done because there is always downtime no matter where in the world you are.

    You will find a way to do it, just like you do now.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    Nice this will spice up wars and exactly what the community wanted. Going to wait and see how far reach the system will match alliances, I am a little concerned that if it’s too narrow it’ll be a bloodbath with many alliances just facing the same small set of opponents around their war rating. Also tanking and alliance shell swapping becomes a lot more beneficial because you’ll always want to have the lowest war rating possible to get you the best season matches at the start at least.

    Looking forward to how it plays out!
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    edited February 2019
    I believe how the system works is it gives a weighted score to alliance war rating and alliance prestige. Then the scores are tabulated, and #1 matches #2, #3 matches #4 etc.

    In essence, the matchups will almost definitely be a fair one.

    One issue this system doesn’t address is tanking and shell alliances. This can help by changing the way war ratings are calculated from an alliance perspective to an individual perspective, with the alliance rating being the average of all individuals in the alliance, and war ratings being part of score calculation. (I suggested this somewhere in the forums before)
  • EbbtideEbbtide Member Posts: 292 ★★
    edited February 2019
    This topic mentions collusion, and the company is working to address this with revisions to the mode, but this also seems to cause more problems for players. As was mentioned above, some teams intentionally plan their matchmaking searches for legitimate reasons, like making sure their teammates are free from work, school or are not sleeping. The game is global, and some players timezones will limit their availability to fight, especially if they are waiting for a node to be removed.

    It just seems like a lot of work is being done to work around cheating, but this hurts more alliances in the process. Isn't it just time to remove rewards period to cheating teams and/or players (both seasonal and individual match rewards)? There are people who track cheating teams, they're exposed on places like YouTube and Reddit, and constantly we see the same names of teams and players who seem to hurt the game more.

    I fully realize that there is revenue to be made, and that not all accusations are proof, and that also not all cheaters get caught (unfortunately), but this change in timing, while hopefully helpful for matchmaking, seems like a problematic response to teams that keep getting away with breaking the rules.

    If the same cheaters keep getting around your attempts to counter them, when will they be removed?

    As for the timezone issue, it would be best if Alliance Wars lost their timers then, so that players could move as they needed. Or that timers were permanently shortened, so that schedules could be worked around.
  • Harvey1980Harvey1980 Member Posts: 30
    2 whole weeks off? One of which there’ll be no wars in which to earn loyalty. How about you actually give us a bit of time to enjoy wars without the pressure of being in season and a chance to restock some boosts and potions? Just a thought.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    My alliance can 100% our AW map 6-7 hours after the first person starts moving with 5 energy. I don’t see how schedules is a matchmaking issue. It’s more like an efficiency issue.
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,329 ★★★★★
    Harvey1980 wrote: »
    2 whole weeks off? One of which there’ll be no wars in which to earn loyalty. How about you actually give us a bit of time to enjoy wars without the pressure of being in season and a chance to restock some boosts and potions? Just a thought.

    Just a thought. “Abit of time”? One week.
  • DraenathDraenath Member Posts: 237
    Ebbtide wrote: »
    This topic mentions collusion, and the company is working to address this with revisions to the mode, but this also seems to cause more problems for players. As was mentioned above, some teams intentionally plan their matchmaking searches for legitimate reasons, like making sure their teammates are free from work, school or are not sleeping. The game is global, and some players timezones will limit their availability to fight, especially if they are waiting for a node to be removed.

    Who in the world will be affected the most? In the two alliances I have run, I have had 3 Battlegroups based on nationality (Plat 3 and now I run a Gold 1 to relax). One is EU based, one is SE Asia and Australian and one is US. It is very simple to work out - if I have a US based person who works night shifts, they go in a different BG.

    It will work out, people are worrying about a minor thing that has an easy fix.
  • MRod77MRod77 Member Posts: 154
    Love all the complaints by people saying timing is going to be an issue now.

    Why was this complaint not made about aq over the years? Aq works but war wont even though it has far less energy requirements?

    Also, how many of you complaining about coordination are in top alliances?
    Scared of a fair fight?

    we are gold 1 verge of plat 3, so not a top alliance but we can hold our own. The difference between AQ and AW though is we don't need all hands on deck to finish AQ. we have coordinated our bg's to spread out our international players to where if they don't move in phase 3 (early am for them) we can still clear with 8 guys (5x5), however with a fixed AW start/end we will not be able to rely on them to help take down bosses if needed which will mean unnecessary use of items for others. When we got to choose the start time we at least know our international guys will be awake and can throw in to take down bosses.
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