Should the Alliance War system be changed?

It's a known fact the the top alliances have rigged the current system for their advantage. They have a schedule they follow weekly to help ensure that they get more 5* shards by delaying the start times for their wars so as to prevent having to face each other. My question is should the system be changed. Looking for a yes or no vote, but if you have good suggestions please post in comments. Thanks.
Should the Alliance War system be changed? 58 votes
Yes, it obviously benefits them as they will disproportionately continue to get more 5* shards
40 votes
No, it is what it is or I don't care/understand
18 votes
Have a cutoff time for all alliances to say "yes we want to war today, and we will have X number of Bgs". Then all at the same time, match everyone up. That removes the ability for these alliances to fix the system to their favor. It also means alliances can't start war later to avoid oversees ally's, or something like that. More fair matchups all around
Agreed, it won't change cause if MMX is involved Kabam will do whatever it takes to keep them happy.
It's not really cheating. I'd argue it is more of a flaw with the current system.
They are breaking the rules, they and exploiting the matching system to gain an unfair advantage, which is breaking the rules. Simple and a fact
Find me in the terms of service where it is breaking the rules.
Go to the top of this page, click the link on cheating and read the 2nd paragraph
While most summoners are honest and play the game legitimately, some players may be tempted to use exploits or mods to unbalance the game in their favor,. We do not ignore these concerns, and we are continuously investigating any cases that arise or are reported to us. We will punish those that break the rules. This means that using exploits or applications that modify the experience of the game, or upset the balance of fair play, can result in being banned from the game permanently as well as our forums.
That is mainly there for mods, people who hack the game and beat stuff that way. There is nothing in the rules or the terms of service saying they have to start war matches at certain times. Under the current system it is completely legit. Does the system need some changes...absolutely yes!
For gods sake it's as clear as day.
They are EXPLOITIONG the war matching process by garenteeing they don't fight each other.
That then breaks the fair play rule and unbalances the matches in their favour.
Which also gives them more 5* shards enabling them to get higher featured arena scores.
You cannot argue with that.
And you have undermined your own statement by starting it with " mainly "
What they should do is activate AW and keep it 'open' for 6 hours. Once it is not 'open' only Alliances that entered during its 'open' stage are to continue into placement phase.
Alternate the wars an a few days so then if they want to war during AW events, they have to do it with everyone else.
Think of it as qualification or registration pre-AW.
Dont enter when open, you dont join AW until the next one a few days later.
No, I have not. You've undermined your statements by complaining and griping without providing a valid argument or acceptable proposal for change.
That statement that you referencee was released clearly at a time when mods and hacking were prevalent. The alliance war stuff has been this way for OVER A YEAR and never addressed by Kabam. That should tell you that it does not qualify as an exploit or cheat. It is a a major problem with the current system. Just griping and complaining that they are cheating is worthless by the way, cause without a viable fix Kabam will do nothing.
Fine, just use the thread to gripe and groan about stuff. That will surely get what could have been a constructive thread closed and the system will stay in place. Congrats @GbSarkar and @Reptilekeeper for being the reason things never change.
A better system like what @YSB describes would be nice.
Exactly, I meant this to be constructive, not a gripefest!
I've answered all your points with proper answers and references to rules that are there and have been broken, now you have not once offered a defence explaining why the said rules don't apply but instead have now started being petty and name calling.
This has all started from a leaked screen shot that has JUST come to light and now proves what the top alliances are doing to fix/ cheat in aw.
The wording " exploit " means what it says and is not just about mods but any way of gaining an unfair advantage, which is what they have/are doing.
I'm not answering any more of your replys as it's going round in circles, as I prove a fact and you say " no " with no back up or proper answers.
For all those people who finished 801- 820 in featured arenas who knows what you would have placed if it was a fair arena.
Go back and tell me where I resorted to name calling! Don't make allegations that are not true.
No where does it say that you have to match as soon as AW opens.
Also technically we are losing shads by only doing 2 wars a week.
Your arguments about arenas are useless. You get more shards from grinding arena than you do from AW.
When kabam decide to up rewards to make AW worthwhile then we can talk
It's already been shown several times that the rules are being broken and that's a fact..
No defence I'm sorry you've been caught and outed by one of your own by realising the screenshot and the comments on the full screen shot say it all
I'm sure many would like to hear the answer.
What rule is being broken lol. It's a broken system. But no rules are being broken
Make a suggestion on how to fix this. Also, you break rules too @Reptilekeeper. It's against the rules of this forum to call out alliances
How many times do you have to explain the rules, please read the rules at top of the general page, paragraph 2 and it's there for all to see.