Biggest Priority For MCOC in 2019

V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
So we are at the beginning of February and this game has evolved quite a bit from its humble debut. However, even though the game has evolved quite a bit there are still things about the game that can be vastly improved. What change would you like to see the most?

Above all, keep the thread constructive and respectful.

Biggest Priority For MCOC in 2019 85 votes

Updated Rewards for EQ/AQ/AW - the rewards have not progressed with player progression and need a buff
RagamugginGunnerHulk_77FeuerschwerTerracaptaincushSavio444CaptainKittybutShroud1969Stagedear85John757Denzel116SpinterUltimatesaber32Tiger360Cubb1es22Lilcaine 16 votes
Updated Crystals PHC/(F)GMC/3*-6*/AW/AQ/Solo - the crystals are stale and/or have terrible drop rates. The contents of the crystals need to be revamped and/or the odds
danielmathabhi7215Ekst4zyFerhatTutuşStreetking101 5 votes
Performance - lagging, crashing, freezing, unresponsive issues continue to plague all aspects of the game.
Vdh2008SiliyoPcc880Midknight007Sundance_2099CallmelaFleurStucatarsjumZarnof97CaramesRasiloverMelkerlanneroFlash_GordonNodude78XxLoganTDCxXEbbi23987B_Dizzle_01OurobørosspaceoctopusLessard 34 votes
Transparent Communication - mods need to be more transparent and the community should have a dev talk once in a while so the devs can explain their choices and the community can ask questions
nameplasManChildSandeepSBirdReynoldsAngusMac279HaminFjolnir 7 votes
EQ Difficulty - Difficulty of the event quests has been scaling too heavily lately and need to be readjusted going forward.
S0nicS0undComicking73 2 votes
Champion Betas - older and the most iconic champions do nothing but collect dust. The focus should be on restoring these champs and making them useable again.
Crkwestmum_m2Nifzngray13AlCapone2727LilMaddogHTGustavo20DeltorWakanda4Ever278ManOnTheMoon123GeorgiaDawgKalantakpagemaster 13 votes
Masteries/Leveling - they should revamp the masteries (especially class masteries) to be useful and add some more. Level cap should also increase to 70.
JestressPrimetime_769VØŁĶ1902 3 votes
Arenas - same old grind. They should add arenas (like 5* basic), revamp T4CC arena, revamp Crystal Cornucopia/Splash, or expand bracket cutoffs
MixkebabTakingAllDownOnesuavebroLordSmasher 4 votes
Inventory Capacity Limits - inventory space is far too restricting and capacity for cats and sig stones should be increased.
Nairvehl 1 vote
Other (QOL improvements, boosts, etc)


  • Vegeta9000Vegeta9000 Member Posts: 204 ★★
    Performance - lagging, crashing, freezing, unresponsive issues continue to plague all aspects of the game.
    Performance has been shocking this past year, and isnt really making any strides of improvement, i wanted to click Comms too. Because they really need to A. Communicate more, and B. Communicate better in both tone and content of responses.
  • Vdh2008Vdh2008 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Performance - lagging, crashing, freezing, unresponsive issues continue to plague all aspects of the game.
    Is it too much to expect all of these? Everything you mentioned there should be on the "to do" list for Kabam.

    If I had to pick 1, I guess it would be "Performance" but I REALLY want to see rewards changes and arena changes.
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  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Vdh2008 wrote: »
    Is it too much to expect all of these? Everything you mentioned there should be on the "to do" list for Kabam.

    If I had to pick 1, I guess it would be "Performance" but I REALLY want to see rewards changes and arena changes.

    In a perfect world all these would already be fixed. It would be nice to have all these fixed within this year, too. But consider it more like a priorities list. What is the first thing they should focus on.
  • Woody15Woody15 Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Performance - lagging, crashing, freezing, unresponsive issues continue to plague all aspects of the game.
    I don't have any issues playing the game on my phone, but performance issues should always be a priority
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  • Player1994Player1994 Member Posts: 793 ★★★
    edited February 2019
  • OnesuavebroOnesuavebro Member Posts: 33
    Arenas - same old grind. They should add arenas (like 5* basic), revamp T4CC arena, revamp Crystal Cornucopia/Splash, or expand bracket cutoffs
    All the above...... if that was an option
  • CrkwestCrkwest Member Posts: 433 ★★★
    Champion Betas - older and the most iconic champions do nothing but collect dust. The focus should be on restoring these champs and making them useable again.
    I would say all of them to be honest, communication has gotten a lot better, and compared to other games is really good. But I really want to see more reworks
  • BirdReynoldsBirdReynolds Member Posts: 527 ★★★
    Transparent Communication - mods need to be more transparent and the community should have a dev talk once in a while so the devs can explain their choices and the community can ask questions
    This should just be “Better Customer Service”. Actual human responses from the support team, feedback and status updates on bugs. Open and productive dialogue with forum staff regarding major customer complaints. Not being lied to, specifically the response to the variant gem bug. Clearer and more in depth info on champion abilities and interactions, and appropriate fixes when things are “broken”, no more Drax “fixes” and shutting down the conversation when there are still obviously issues. A more comprehensive system to prevent and punish cheating in war, and also point compensation for the alliances who lost to them.
    Just a few things off the top of my head...
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  • Midknight007Midknight007 Member Posts: 772 ★★★
    Performance - lagging, crashing, freezing, unresponsive issues continue to plague all aspects of the game.
    Two words: Connection Issues
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    Transparent Communication - mods need to be more transparent and the community should have a dev talk once in a while so the devs can explain their choices and the community can ask questions
    While they are getting better, I hope for more of this. It really helps build morale and trust.

    On a side note... Anyone ever wonder what the hidden admin/mod post is to other mods.

    Like Lyra saying, "All hands on deck. Watch this one closely."
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