Awakening gems

Hey Mcoc I was just wondering if the was any way u guys could give out a normal 4* awakening and 4* awakening gem crystals. If u guys could that would be great if thanks at least u messaged back
Medium Answer: Kabam isn't going to just give these things out because people beg for them. These are one of the rarest item in the game for a reason.
Better opportunity to awaken a 6* champ would also increase the attractiveness of the sig stone bundles or daily cards. I myself would only buy a bundle if I had a great champ awakened. The game RNG makes it hard enough to GET a desired. 6* champion, and then, if it’s one that needs awakening/high sig? , that can be a long enough wait that some will just give up trying; we’ve lost a few alliance mates to that type of fatigue.
Anyway, appreciated the opportunity we had to use our hoarded gold!
Just be patient … and yeah, I‘m waiting for more 6* AGs!