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Those with duped AA pls help

Hi everyone, I have a 4* 5/5 AA, unduped. At 4/5 he looked promising, high damage. But I must say I’m quite disappointed at 5/5. Does this champ really need signature ability to shine? Don’t get me wrong, he is one of my top 10, but not the beast I was expecting. Will I see the difference when duped? Thanks


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    TheSquish671TheSquish671 Posts: 2,880 ★★★★★
    Duped he stops healing with one neurotoxin, and reduces ability accuracy for each neurotoxin
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    BashlordBashlord Posts: 219 ★★
    He need dupe to stop regen, reduce ability accuracy.

    So in my opinion, he does need to be duped to shine. I'm still waiting for my AA to be awakened.
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    TKS87TKS87 Posts: 375 ★★★
    He needs the awakening to get the really good utility combined with a high damage output. He does of course rely on being able to apply neurotoxins. When he's able to, he can prevent abilities like evade, Magiks limbo and electros reflected damage. He also shuts down healing completely with just one neurotoxin. He can also be a counter for certain nodes like masochism, once you're able to stack enough debuffs to apply some neurotoxins. He's still a beast for questing, though not very reliable in certain modes like war, where you don't necessarily know who you will be up against.
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    McFernieMcFernie Posts: 85
    Thank you all for the answers
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    But he does not need his dupe to do some god tier damage. If the enemy can bleed and can be poisoned his is soon dead. Parrystun and Heavy is the way to go.
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,853 ★★★★★
    Heal block, well almost block, works fine with 3 or more poisons on the AI.
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    HaminHamin Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    If you didn't already know, if it can be helped, you should only do heavies with AA.

    It stacks bleeds quickly. Then hit them with a special.
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    XxLoganTDCxXXxLoganTDCxX Posts: 2,561 ★★★★
    Dupe is quite good. He increases his toxicity, which triggers more bleeds, poisons and neurotoxins. It also only takes 1 neurotoxin to stop healing which is really good.
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    _I__I_ Posts: 306
    I have a duped AA 4*at sig lvl 65 5/50.I kept struggling to fight mags in act4 due to mags regening insanely. I brought my AA then to hit mags with neurotoxin n shut off the regen.mags was dead within less than a minute.
    what I presume from ur statements is that u feel that he is not that great due to his taking easy damage. yes any floating champ be it phoenix vodoo dr strange are vulnerable as when they attack they need to move forward to strike but in the process also renders themselves as more accessible to receive hits. so blocking is the only method to make them less vulnerable. now keep watching the A. I. at some pt of time being frustrated with ur constant blocking the A. I will try do a forward dash. that is when u stop blocking n hit out. only this way u can reduce the incoming damage n also attack. the other pt to note is not all champs are affected by AA sp1 sp2. bt no champ is immune from the sp3. even if they do not bleed or get poisoined still they will be stunned. so utilize that period to heavy attack. so knowing what kind of champ will need what special attack needs ur noting.like u cannot bleed colossus luke cage with ur AA so best is hold on to power let power meter be full now release n they are immobile. now just don't stand n wait for them to recover. keep hitting with heavy attack till u see the stun effect near enough to wear off. but keep in mind that ur hitting does not fully charge up the meter of the opponent. stop as soon as two bars are charged up. if required now u take some hits to build back ur charge. this way u will hardly find AA ineffective/weak.
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    McFernieMcFernie Posts: 85
    Thanks again for valuable feedback
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