Looking for an alliance

I am uncollected (if that’s important).
160k hero rating.
Playing monthly quests on master difficulty.
I have a lot of r4 4 stars and some decent 5 stars...

Looking for some progress in the game and hope to find a good alliance .
Thanks in advance !


  • PerGunnarPerGunnar Member Posts: 19
    Hey, we're a 7 mil alliance pending between gold and silver atm. Looking to replace a few slackers to reach further goals. Map 4 in AQ and sometimes 5 or 3 if necessary. Hit me up @Line if interested "Per-Gunnar"
  • RoronoaZoro23RoronoaZoro23 Member Posts: 14
    Hi, we r newly formed alliance. Looking for members. If u r interested HMU in game. My ign is Roronoa...Zoro
  • TangogrTangogr Member Posts: 27
    Looking to progress with a few new members! Silver at the moment, line required, participation in AQ/AW........ contact reaper of pain or tangogr! This is a great group, tightknit, work hard, enjoy each other!
  • Masquerade1981Masquerade1981 Member Posts: 296
    If you're still looking, my alliance might fit the bill nicely. Let me know if you're interested. We're a fun/chill/active alliance. Running 3 BGs in AQ, 100% all 5 days. AW when we can fit them in. 2 BGs 5x5, 1 BG 3x5.
    LINE: jessetrippe
    IGN: Masquerade1981
  • ImmortalSlayerImmortalSlayer Member Posts: 45
    We are bout 8 mil silver 1 almost gold 3 alliance. Mostly focused on aq running maps 543-543-443-433-433. Ign is immortal slayer or line app is jeepbarnes
  • TaktiderblondeTaktiderblonde Member Posts: 12
    Thanks for the answers.
    But I’ve already found one :)

    Sincerely taktider
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