Would you support a full mastery rework in the 2019?
Current masteries are a relic from the game’s beginnings. With an ever evolving game, it stands to reason that masteries inevitably need a tuning periodically. Surely, a huge reworking of masteries overall would need massive beta testing, and resetting of cores (if this is still a system utilized, and if not, then unit refund with the potential to invest in new mastery currencies). I’m interested in hearing the community’s perspective on their hopes for the future of masteries. Feel free to get creative in the comments with ideas!
Would you support a full mastery rework in the 2019? 67 votes
• Allow presets for different game modes (AQ, AW defense/attack), and general questing), which could cost to reset, but are automatically applied to those game modes without additional cost of changing.
• Allow customization of masteries for individual champions (suicides on Omega Red, maxed dexterity on Hyperion, etc).
• Ensure all masteries are working as described, and fix the actual bug going forward, not merely changing the description.
• Dexterity and Parry unlocked at level 1, Salve at level 5, Recovery at level 10, Willpower at level 20. This is already somewhat in effect by requiring a requisite amount of points to unlock/place points in certain masteries like glass cannon and recoil, but changing it to level-based would reward committed summoners by allowing them to invest mastery points in high-tier masteries without wasting points in lower tiers (lesser precision/cruelty for example).
• A new level cap would give experienced players a new goal and some excitement going through act 6.
• As a reward for achieving the new max level, a player is able to unlock only one of a few Ultimate Masteries, which offer incredible value.
• Some ideas for ultimate masteries are 10% health regen at the start of a fight, +25% attack without any detrimental effect, gain indestructible and unstoppable for 3 seconds upon reaching X% health, expiring bleeds cause 1% of the original bleed damage every second permanently, etc.
These are just some of my ideas. I’m sure not all of them are feasible, or healthy for the game. I’m interested in hearing everyone else’s creative mastery ideas!
Second thing is about the pricing. Despair path and suicides are both a bit expensive, but that’s coming from a F2P so I guess it can’t be helped. But as a F2P I can say it’s very difficult to advance in masteries when the cost is so high
Also, the benefit of mystic dispersion to mystic champs are so much higher than other class masteries to their respective classes. Kabam should buff the others a little.
So I like the idea of mastery loadouts, but I don't think they'd be able to make it to the level of 'special mastery setups for individual champions. Just seems like that bit would be too complicated, but yeah maybe up to 3 or 5 mastery loadouts would be nice.
Changing unlock requirements from points in that tree to level reached. Yeah that would be awesome.
Also some changes to prerequisite masteries. Recoil should be at the end of the Suicide sub-tree. The useless attack and health masteries at the start of their respective trees should be all by themselves. Or at least only the Greater ones with the lesser ones being completely separate.
Ultimate Masteries. I think the idea is there and would make sense. Personally I feel that the examples you gave are all too OP, but the concept is still awesome.
But yeah we've got a ton of masteries that need fixing. Inequity. Assassin and Courage. Recoil. And yeah the class masteries also need a rework so they're more useful.
It would allow you to get effects you want at a price and would probably be a good money maker considering how aw boosts are covered.
Using a unblockable power start one boost on spider Gwen would be epic, oh wait they're changing her lol. But seriously, if we could use boosts to give us offensive nodes for champs it would be really cool, just like when we had our symbiote
Interesting read tho. If the game is passing by masteries as we know them, why not overhaul it completely? There's a lot of opportunity for fun there.