Parry stun duration varies at times.

I know it varies with certain champs ( Rogue ) or also using stupefy. In my case it is maxed out so my parry stuns for 2.5 seconds. This just happened in arena Sym spidey vs og spidey and my stun from parry was under a second. Not even time to react and it was gone. Next fight same thing. Emma vs Electro. Only way to stop this is to close and reopen the app
@Kabam Miike
@Kabam Miike
Nah not to this point. Reducing it from 2.5 to under 1 ? Limber maxed out reduces it by 48% would give it 1.2 ish seconds. Enough to react.
Yea? Well, add that to the list of descriptions Kabam needs to change for masteries lol(everything is broke)
Most of the time - 1.6sec.
It’s not being reduced from 2.5 seconds. The stun duration from parry scales based off your champ’s perfect block chance. The ceiling from parry itself would be 2 seconds, but no champ gets that.
With max stupefy? +0.5sec
Hence 2.5sec
No. Look my video above and read description in it
I forgot about scaling with perfect block chance.
That being said, theoretically it’s possible to get 2.5 sec stun if you use sentry, and you are in steadfast approach, no?
I mean he gets 100% perfect block chance in that mind state
Yes, with stupefy stun can be 2.5 seconds :-)