Laid Back 7.7 Mil Alliance Recruiting

Hi Everyone,
We are expert tier AQ, run map 5 at least 2-3 times per week, Tier 4-5 AW.
Laid back, nothing mandatory, but you MUST be active. Focus is on AQ/ AW, but we all chip in for events to get best rewards.
I'm always looking for recruits to replace dead weight. IGN same as on here.
We are expert tier AQ, run map 5 at least 2-3 times per week, Tier 4-5 AW.
Laid back, nothing mandatory, but you MUST be active. Focus is on AQ/ AW, but we all chip in for events to get best rewards.
I'm always looking for recruits to replace dead weight. IGN same as on here.
If you are a proven boss killer, we will exempt you from donations completely. Play for free, earn rewards.
Reminder, we are map 5x5 most weeks and T2-T3 War.
I do have a wait list started if you want to join it message me.
I will have a couple of openings over the summer.
We DO expect you to be active in AQ and AW. We DO expect you to look at what events are running and if you can, help the alliance. We DO expect that you communicate with officers when you're not going to be active.
We know everyone has a "real life". Most of us are over 30 with families and kids. Most of us have been together in the same alliance since 2015 and have grown from 600K to 8 mil as a team.
Map 5x5- You need to be able to clear a path guaranteed against 5000-8000 PI champs.
Line ID: vdh2008
IGN: vdh2008