Misfit Mafia looking for 3 loyal and active members

9.5mil rated
Aw/aq focused
Map 4/3
Pushing for gold
Line required-ID is papathor(add for info)
Misfit Mafia is an active ally and we need a few new members to replace some of the ones we had to lose due to inactivity and lack of communication. We have an awesome group of guys here and we function more like a family. We need 3 more to add to the family. Join us.

Aw/aq focused
Map 4/3
Pushing for gold
Line required-ID is papathor(add for info)
Misfit Mafia is an active ally and we need a few new members to replace some of the ones we had to lose due to inactivity and lack of communication. We have an awesome group of guys here and we function more like a family. We need 3 more to add to the family. Join us.

4 members active for AQ & AW .
Just need to know about alliance rating and
donations and as per 4 players will be allowed to play AW and AQ
Players game id & pi
andy2539- 465,000
& L0k!theking -145,000
Line I'd is deadly3166
If interested please acknowledge or else always