Opinions Requested

I have a 5* Storm (Duped) and Colossus (Unduped). I have the materials to go to Rank 3. I could use another higher tier defender. Is Storm on an "All Or Nothing" node providing any difficulty above T5 in AW? Or is the high health and toughness of Colossus a better fit?
Thanks for reading!
Thanks for reading!
Thanks. I forgot to add that as of now...none of my 10 champs that are Rank Five 4* or my Rank Four 5* is bleed immune. I just haven't had that luck. Would that change your thinking?
What would you be using the bleed immune champ for: AQ, Story quest, or something else? I still think I'd choose Storm though, unless you have a dire need for bleed immune in AQ. And I say that only because if you pull a 5* Ultron, he is bleed immune and would be a way better option to Colossus.
I have one other consideration. I could R5 my duped 4* Cable. However, I don't have another 5* mutant.
In theory if you did that and took him into Caltrops nodes even if you evaded back then the bleed he gets inflicted with would cause degen on your opponent right?
Not saying that is what you should do btw. Just asking for informational purposes.