This is getting ridiculous

We need a better way to target the champs we want. I don’t want a guarantee I’m getting a certain champ because half the fun is hoping you pull the champ you want but the crystal pool is absolutely absurd at this point. It’s time for a class 4 and 5* crystal for the same price as a featured crystal. Or at least something needs to change. If something doesn’t give and offer some direction idk how many more times I can take pulling the same useless champs over and over again. What does the rest of the community think? What are your ideas about ways to offer more balance as to champion targeting?
Costs of featured will be pathetic new players come they spend money and become uncollected in one single day.....bad Idea pulling by luck is in my opinion a better way(gambler's addiction)
My roster was a little aimless until I saved enough for 2 Void featured crystals when he was originally released and I lucked out and pulled him once. Since then, he's been far and away my favorite champion. I decided to build my team around him.
Not long after, Killmonger and Sabretooth were introduced; both happen to have nice synergies with Void. Both were going to be in an upcoming Featured 5* Crystal, so I saved all my 5* shards and grinded the arena pretty hard for units. Whenever I felt I had enough units, I would take a path in Labyrinth of Legends using mainly Void and whatever 4/55's could back him up on a particular path. The timer on the Featured crystal was my deadline.
Whenever I had 15k shards, I'd open a Featured crystal. On my 8th try, I finally got a Killmonger. With about 10 days left on the crystal, I finished LOL and used the 45k shard reward to open 3 more (attempts 13-15) and finally pulled Sabretooth.
My top 3 champs were set, so I go back into shard hording mode so I'd be ready the next time a great champion is introduced. Then along comes Omega Red, who just so happens to have great synergies with Void and Sabretooth. As soon as the crystal is released, I open 7 crystals and I'm able to pull him.
With the number of crystals I opened to get these champs, I wouldn't say I'm lucky or unlucky...just focused. I could have opened basic crystals, but pretty much any champ in there would only help in arena. Instead, I'm saving again. I currently have a science awakening Gem and a rank 3-4 Mystic Gem. Now I'll just bide my time until champs I can use are released and go hard for them. Maybe one of the Fantastic Four will catch my eye and get the awakening gem.
Most people aren't going to have enough shards to target a champ during every featured crystal cycle. You have to decide what you want for your roster. If you need more champs and don't care who they are, go for basic crystals. If you want to target a champ, you'll need to save and wait for them to appear in a featured crystal. Delayed gratification can improve your roster in big ways.
Why would anyone want an OG BP when GP exists? If every champ was good at something then we could see a lot more diversity of champs instead of the same 5 or 6 champs that everyone uses.
That’s a great story and I’m glad you filled out your Unholy Trinity but not every story is a success story like yours.
I tried 11 featured crystals hoping for KM and literally every pull from that crystal is sitting at R1. I did the same for the following crystal because I really wanted Omega Red, but the other champs would’ve been good, too, and I pulled 3 crystals upon the release and got Karnak, HtD, and Rhino. At the end of the day, yes, it’s all about luck.
You're not wrong. 8 Crystals seems reasonable for a champion. The game made me WORK for the Sabretooth. I did 5 paths of LOL and spent 225,000 5* crystal shards to finally land him. Was it worth it? In retrospect, totally! But when I was in the middle of the was tough.
For example, after that Killmonger, my next 4 pulls were Moon Knight, Gambit, Moon Knight, Moon Knight. To say it was frustrating was and understatement.
You'll get no argument from me. Luck is certainly a factor. I see YouTube videos all the time where people open 1 crystal and get exactly who they're looking for. I also see videos were people open insane crystal stashes and get absolute soul-crushing garbage.
As they say, luck favors the prepared. If you want a champ and you don't want to spend, you're going to have to put forth the effort and exercise some restraint in terms of opening crystals. Save those shards for champs who have the potential to really elevate your roster.
Consider yourself lucky my effort for LOL 100% are this
I think that’s an easy concept to think of but impossible to captalize on some champs are good for many match ups and some have just a couple really op match ups. I agree though that champs like collosus, dpx, Groot etc have zero in game use other than arena fodders. Those are the champs that need addressed. Every champ should have at the very minimum 4-5 op match ups with other champs.