DarkHawk Rank up

KillerRino19KillerRino19 Member Posts: 370 ★★
Can anyone tell me if DarkHawk deserves rank 4 as a 5* unawaken?
Just got him form a 5* featured about a hour ago and tested him a little and i like him but i am not sure if he is worth of rank 4 unawaken, should i let him at rank 3 until i dupe him or rank 4 him?
I also fell like i should mention that i want to use him for offesnsive purposes and he's my only 5* with double immunity/


  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    R3 unduped, r4 duped
  • FrankmcocFrankmcoc Member Posts: 148
    Needs dupe and very high sig
  • VexLVexL Member Posts: 2
    High sig is important
  • Samspade23Samspade23 Member Posts: 549 ★★
    He needs the dupe and his sig maxed. I got both with mine and he is great at rank 4. He can solo bosses pretty handily if you access his sp3 and get into null mode. He does bonkers damage at that point.
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★

    Can anyone tell me if DarkHawk deserves rank 4 as a 5* unawaken?

    Just got him form a 5* featured about a hour ago and tested him a little and i like him but i am not sure if he is worth of rank 4 unawaken, should i let him at rank 3 until i dupe him or rank 4 him?

    I also fell like i should mention that i want to use him for offesnsive purposes and he's my only 5* with double immunity/

    I'm also in similar situation. Got him unduped at r3. And I'm not gonna R4 him until I awaken him. His awakened ability with high Sig is the best part about him. Also if you have night thrasher synergy it adds up. He can start in one of the 3 modes randomly right at the beginning. If he starts with null mode he starts the fight with amazing damage. I got NT too but like hawk he needs his Sig ability as well, sadly. Both are great and fun champs though.
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