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Please buff dr. Strange and thor again

Please buff dr strange and thor they are the only great champs I have and 5he game is getting very hard for me after the nerf of 12.0 so please I request you to buff these champs


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    I request you to take my request I. Consideration or aise many people like me will quit the game soon
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    DLegendDLegend Posts: 745 ★★★
    Thor is still a great champ since he has already been buffed in the 12.1 update with a stronger fury buff. I agree on Dr Strange being buffed since his power gain is much more slower than the average champs while being used on offense.
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    Thor was a god tier before 12.0 so I atleast belive he could be buffed a bit and there are many bad point for dr strange as his armorup is less power full and so is his power hain and life steal
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    The_OneThe_One Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    I only got Thor a few weeks before 12.0 and have him at 5/50 level 65 now.
    I think he's amazing now, I can only imagine what he must have like before.
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    LocoMotivesLocoMotives Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Thor is still pretty great on attack, they did well in finding a middle ground for him. He still destroys armor champs.

    Strange is a casualty, doesn't seem like they will be bringing him back up to a playable level. He was my go-to pre-12.0, now he's been ranked down and is arena fodder.
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    NEONEO Posts: 347
    Help the Doctor need resuscitated!!! Get the defibrillators!!!
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    Darkwolf1981Darkwolf1981 Posts: 37
    edited May 2017
    I have both with Thor at 5/50 and is one of my best heroes for high damage output. Dr. Strange on the other hand was turned into garbage which was a very disappointing time for us all as i used him in aq to save money on options
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    I just want somehow that dr strange is buffed he was my best champ and helped me a lot
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    ClockworkGremlinClockworkGremlin Posts: 94
    Bring back Dr Strange regen and Thor’s super armour breaks!
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    ClockworkGremlinClockworkGremlin Posts: 94
    Yes, though it is still relevant to this day and that is why I revived it. Dr Strange has never fully recovered from his nerf and with bringing in a lot of super heavy hitters such as ghost and domino, Thor does not have much going for him these days.

    Good damage and a maybe stun on specials is all the utility he has.

    I’d rather not have all the avengers and Og characters fall victim to “power creep”, being replaced by more and more obscure and lesser known additions to the contest.
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    Kabam PorthosKabam Porthos Posts: 4,676
    Hey guys, we have no current plans to make changes to Doctor Strange or Thor. However, if you haven't already, please take a moment to share any improvement suggestions you may have for them in THIS discussion.
This discussion has been closed.