Missing 5* Heroes need a Buff to stay attractive

Like Kabam confirmed not all of the Champions will be available as 5* Heroes. Those Champiosn are Cap WWII, Scarlet Witch, Dr. Strange Thor and classic Dardevil (I think?).
So this actually is the best reason to buff these Champions (again). Because some day every Player wil have enoug 5* Champions on rank 3, 4 or even 5. So there will be no more reason to use these 4 stars. I really don't get it.
Gwen Pool, Hyperion and Star Lord are so OP as a 4* and still they will be regulars in the 5* pool eventually.
So please Kabam, consider to rethink your desicion to exclude these champions or buff them again or they will be useless at some point and not "exclusive"
So this actually is the best reason to buff these Champions (again). Because some day every Player wil have enoug 5* Champions on rank 3, 4 or even 5. So there will be no more reason to use these 4 stars. I really don't get it.
Gwen Pool, Hyperion and Star Lord are so OP as a 4* and still they will be regulars in the 5* pool eventually.
So please Kabam, consider to rethink your desicion to exclude these champions or buff them again or they will be useless at some point and not "exclusive"
- Wolverine
- Black Bolt
- AOU Vision
- OG Vision
- OG Deadpool
Normal characters:
Doctor Strange
Black Widow
Dare Devil (Classic)
Scarlet Witch
Deadpool X-Force
Magneto (Marvel Now)
Black Bolt
War Machine
Joe Fixit
Vision (AOU)
Miss Marvel
Vision (Comic/Classic)
Red Deadpool
All these characters currently have no 5* form and aren't on the list for upcoming ones.
I'm not really sure they need a buff to actually compete with 5* now though, if they come out as 5* in the future they might be a bit to strong.