Game keeps popping up the "issue connecting to the network"

This issue has been going on for a long while and has NOT gotten any better. No matter if i am on my home WIFI, work WIFI, regular cellular network - no matter what i am doing that message " Cannot connect to network" keeps popping up. This is a HUGE issue because i know of a lot of people who have the same issue ALL THE TIME. This isnt fair to anyone who is playing because there also has been numerous amounts of time where i was in fights, or have killed a boss fight and then i have to redo the whole fight with either being KOed or way less health because of this issue. I could also be ranking up my champions, leveling them up and this happens ALL THE TIME. i am not happy with how much this happens, and not sure if youll are looking into this but IT NEEDS TO BE RESOLVED. You cannot play a game with this continuously happening. Please fix this, and i should be compensated for all the units i have had to spend on potions, and other items since this issue caused me to be KOed.
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Since January monthly event started
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